Economic ignorance has led to millions and millions of people thinking it is their hard earned tax dollar paying for "illegal immigrants" and a lack of a Federal Job Guarantee is what is making the same millions of people think the "illegals" are stealing their jobs. 1/x
And since millions and millions of white Americans are severely impoverished, broken and barely surviving, they feel they are competing with these "damn Mexicans and Muslims", "thugs" and other minority communities struggling even worse for generations.
Millions and millions of people on the left not to be outdone by those "evil people on the right" believe that we have to raise taxes and punish people for the past when neoliberalism has already exacted a HEAVY price on every one that is not part of the Plutocracy.
Since MILLIONS & MILLIONS of misguided and petty people from all walks of life have been radicalized into even greater economic ignorance & that ignorance blocks any chance of embracing cognitive approaches to problem solving...
they are unable to realize that a nation which creates it's own currency CANNOT go broke on debt denominated in it's own currency.
Sadly the issue is not just the pettiness of envy within 99%... it is the lie the 1% have told us through the lens of political games and a shitty mainstream media.
Even worse corporatist oligarchs who have allowed us to indulge our ignorant, sectarian, racially based, gender based shit show that is now the biggest stumbling block to us succeeding in staving off cataclysmic climate disaster.
The political and demographic identity has nearly blocked any meaningful discussions. No meaningful progress in the era of anti-knowledge is possible with partisan, sectarianism.
We are getting fleeced and pushed off a cliff without so much as facts to guide us to real data, real solutions and it is killing us all.

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