When I hear a newscaster suggest Xtianity is “under attack in America” I am left astonished by such folly. Christian Faith is not under attack here. It’s being subverted, however, by the very people claiming to defend it with political power, an infinitely greater danger by far.
Christians are under attack by Communists in China. By Isamacists in Nigeria & other African nations. In Vietnam. Not here. No here, to be frank, it looks like the attacks are BY Christians who repudiate rather than love their neighbors & enemies.
If you want to learn about a Christian response to persecution, read the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7. Read there about loving ones enemies. Read there about praying for persecutors. Jesus>Talking Heads.
Persecution takes many forms, not all of it violent. But the critical issue is the response. It is a cross-shaped response that doesn’t go in the attack against people. It seeks the good of neighbor and enemy alike. Such “wisdom” will always be folly to power brokers.
Finally, recognize that the real battle is spiritual - and won with words of mercy, deeds of justice, and acts of love, all fueled by truth and love that grows not when we stand with pointer fingers but kneel with uplifted hands.
“The Gospel is the power”, wrote Paul to the Romans - who knew a bit about power! The Gospel - the great good news - isn’t capitalism or socialism or gun rights or even free speech. The BEST good news came first to humble shepherds & still rings out today -
Unto you is born a Savior who is Christ the Lord. That’s the newscast Christians should be absolutely talking about, sharing with all, and truly astonished by.
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