I was 25 when I was diagnosed with bipolar. The same year, I was diagnosed with chronic neuropathic nerve pain and chronic fatigue due to a permanent spinal injury from when I was a kid. I. Was. Relieved. It was an answer to a question I had been asking myself for a long...
time. "What is wrong with me?" Answers are everything for people with mental illness and chronic conditions in my experience. Over time and with a lot of treatments, I've had to make peace with the fact that I will never be without my issues. I accept them as a part of me as...
a way to cope with it. Until they have a cure for my bipolar, anxiety, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and insomnia; I'm going to embrace the fact that I have a community to commiserate with. No one gets to tell you how you feel about our mental health....
You do what is best for you to get through it. My DMs will always be open for those of you who need support.
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