if you were brought up by at least one parent or guardian with Borderline Personality Disorder, I see you.
Being a child of someone with BPD is confusing as hell. I can spot mean people from far away and I stay away. If I can’t, I have learned to use kindness as a way to deflect. Keep it positive.
BPD is a mental illness and should be treated as such. I am still learning how to be empathic to said parent instead of taking their behavior as a mirror of my self-worth.
It is not your fault. It is also not their fault. Empathy is key. You need and deserve boundaries as well. You get to decide what those are when you’re grown. Do it. Give yourself space. You aren’t in charge of anyone else’s journey.
You didn’t do anything to make this happen. Chances are they also didn’t. They are suffering, and it’s a particularly tricky one to treat. It isn’t your job to fix it. Leave that expectation and work on the present moment, if you still want the relationship.
Stay in the present moment. Enforce your boundaries, once you figure out what they are. They might change over time. Give yourself space to be you. Enjoy yourself. Be your own best friend.
And remember you can be the person you want to be.
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