I want to see an analysis of who is on the board. I met a staff person years ago who was part of the team prepping for the opening of the museum. They had a list of terms and phrases that were banned by *the board* (appointed by PM Harper cronies). https://twitter.com/cbcmanitoba/status/1291076025120628736
One of the terms banned by the board was “climate change”. This made it extremely difficult for them to plan an exhibit about Sheila Watt-Cloutier’s groundbreaking (and Nobel Peace Prize nominated) work on defining climate change as a human rights issue.
I really wish I could remember the name of the staff person. But will never forget that the Canadian Museum of Human Rights would not allow their staff to use the term “climate change” in an exhibit about climate change being a human rights issue. #CMHRstoplying
So I’m here to say sure, fire the current CEO. Sure, start an inclusivity committee or whatever. But first go back to the foundation of who is in the board and what in the foundation of this org has allowed censorship to happen.
And I’m talking, real, actual, literal censorship by a government in power. Not the imaginary kind that bigots pretend they’re being subjected to when they get criticized by minorities for their bigotry.
And because I’m a grammar fiend, I need to say I meant “on the board” not “in the board”. Otherwise I won’t be able to sleep. 🤣
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