if you live in the united states and call yourself a socialist and you want that label to have any actual meaning, you must reject and/or challenge any anti-china sentiments that get spread around by bourgeois media.
this doesn’t mean that china is perfect or immune to fair criticism; however, any criticism you make that is being echoed by the state department ultimately serves in the state department’s interests.
lots of people, in good honest faith, will spread these stories of ‘human rights abuses’ that are occurring in china, which usually have their origins in CIA propaganda departments if you do any basic digging.
now, if these humans rights abuses are true, 1) what interest does the united states have in the exposing these abuses, considering this country’s past and present of committing atrocities in foreign countries and on its own people, and
2) what are you accomplishing by spreading these stories around to other americans?

(that is not to mention, these stories are usually not true. i am assuming they are for the sake of argument.)
the answer to both of these questions is ‘manufacturing consent for war against the greatest force in opposition to US imperialist dominance’.
and if you do not think that US imperialism is the greatest existential threat in the world, that must be opposed at all costs—what are your socialist principles even rooted in?
it doesn’t matter how much you talk about guillotining jeff bezos, to the rest of the world your politics are identical to mike pompeo’s. the ENTIRETY of our lives as americans is supported by the exploitation of foreign countries via imperialism/(neo-)colonialism.
people always respond “more than one country can be bad” as if that shuts down all discussion. sure they can, i never argued that lmao. but if you think that china in any capacity poses the same global threat as the united states—i’d sure like to hear why.
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