The GAME - Thread - Moves, moves and counter-moves and the smell of a conspiracy to defraud the citizens of the US
July 2016: Bruce Ohr testifies that DOJ attorney's Weissman and Zainab were already looking at Manafort. Both would end up on the Special Counsel in KEY roles. Crossfire Hurricane investigation is started, predicated on a rumor
August 2016: Ohr contacts Agent Michael Gaeta, Chris Steele's OFFICIAL FBI handler, and asks about Steele's reports and wants to make sure the FBI is getting them. Ohr ends up providing Steele's, Simpson's and his wifes info to the FBI
August 2016: Black Ledger is released, FBI opens FARA investigations on Flynn, Manafort, Page and Papadopoulos. Per the IG FARA allows for all legal authorities in the FBI's arsenal
Oct 2016: FISA warrant on Carter Page approved, based on the "fake" dossier paid for by Hillary and the DNC
Early Nov 2016: Agent Gaeta untasks Steele from working with the FBI after he realizes that Steele is leaking his fake memos to the press. This causes the FBI to create a backchannel for Steele's reporting
Election day 2016: Ohr apologizes and admits to Gaeta that his wife works for Fusion GPS. From this point forward Ohr unofficially becomes the "other" handler for Steele through a backchannel to the FBI. TRUMP WINS!! Unmasking of Gen. Flynn begins.
Why is Ohr/Steele important? The IG has told us because Steele was a CHS his reporting didn't need to follow Woods procedures, however Gaeta was the official FBI handling agent and told the IG he NEVER would have allowed it to be used
End December 2016: FBI intercepts Gen. Flynn's calls. Comey's bogus story is that because the Russians didn't respond the way they were expecting that they went looking for why.
January 4, 2017: The DOJ begins to manipulate the newly elected President even before he officially takes office, by telling him he could not fire Comey w/o just cause. Page and Strozk email each other about the Logan Act
January 5, 2017: Infamous meeting that Rice memorialized, Comey "briefs" Trump about the dossier, but just the salacious parts. Biden "Logan Act"

January 6, 2017: Brennan's ICA is released suggesting the Russians wanted Trump over Hillary, dossier info is added to it
Jan. 12, 2017: Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn invites Adam Lovinger, who was looking into Halper, to be a part of the White House Security council. The same day ONA Baker files 4 separate charges against Lovinger. He loses his security clearance and was later CLEARED of all charges
January 24, 2017: Comey sends Strozk and Pientka to interview Gen. Flynn in a ambush bypassing normal protocols of working through WH counsel.
January 2017: Ohr is demoted a 2nd time, with NO complaints, he is demoted by Rosenstein/Sessions so he does NOT interface with President Trump
February 10-13, 2017: Gen. Flynn's 302 is changed multiple times, VP Pence is shown "summaries" of Gen. Flynn's calls by McCabe. Under pressure for "lying" to the VP, Gen. Flynn resigns
February 14, 2017: Trump meets with Comey alludes to "letting the Flynn thing go". Comey memorializes it via the infamous Comey memos. Obstruction theory is born, unfortunately this becomes a legal "death sentence" for Gen. Flynn
March 2, 2017: Newly appointed AG Sessions recuses himself from the Russia investigation with advice from Dana Boente and Rod Rosenstein. His meetings with Kislyak were benign and didn't require recusal
AG Sessions not only recused himself from Russia he recused himself from multiple investigations, effectively ceding the DOJ to Rosenstein and "career" DOJ officials
Comey and the FBI knew that Sessions would recuse and bypassed him. Regarding the "let Flynn thing go" they decided the BEST MOVE, yes think about those 2 words and context. Their best move was to hold onto the info and figure out what to do with it.
Rosenstein and Gauhar now pretty much control the DOJ and once the Special Counsel is convened Rosenstein concedes complete control of Trump-Russia to Mueller. In his recent testimony he admitted there was no there in Aug '17 when Mueller wrote his own scope
March 15, 2017: Ohr and Steele have a conversation about what a Special Counsel would mean to the UK. This is 2 full months BEFORE the SC is convened.
May 2017: Comey is fired and SC is convened by Rosenstein, in his letter to Mueller he authorizes an investigation of the President for Obstruction of Justice. The Comey memos are used as justification for the SC
Jul/Aug 2017: Strozk/Page texts found. On the new phones Mueller provided, he deletes all of their texts and then interviews at least Strozk recorded via a 302, where Strozk lies. This a GUESS but it's likely at this point Strozk/Page are immunized after leaving the SC
Aug 2017: After the texts are discovered, the SC no longer accepts Steele reports from OhrThe August 2, 2017 scope memo IMHO had to resolve whether the President could be charged with a crime. The crime would be Obstruction. 1 week before the scope memo, Brookings/Lawfare opine
Counter move...House Republicans are interviewing as many players involved in Spygate as they can and are getting all of them to admit their was NO evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign
According to Ohr, Rosenstein became aware of his wife working for Fusion GPS in Oct 2017. The SC never interviewed Ohr, but an SC agent was assigned to him till Nov '17. Rosenstein falsely states Ohr was NEVER part of Trump-Russia
October 25, 2017: Sessions releases Doug Campbell from his NDA on Uranium One. The FBI investigation run by Mueller and McCabe, that was buried by Rosenstein and the prior admin.
37 pages of secret, hidden memos between likely Mueller, McCabe, the prior admin, Hillary, Comey and Rosenstein were discovered. The case was assigned to John Huber by Sessions who is now overseen by Barr We're still waiting on it, but no witnesses were ever interviewed
Huber was also tasked by Sessions to review FISA abuse after a call for a 2nd SC was rejected
December 1, 2017: Mueller's SC harasses Gen. Flynn into a plea deal with the charge of lying to the FBI with the help of Holder/Chertoff's Covington law firm. Flynn would be forced to meet with DOJ lawyers 19 times
February 2018: Nunes releases what's called the Nunes memo, showing the setup of the President, lack of predication and no collusion
Meanwhile, other House Republicans are resigning in droves, abandoning the battlefield and Trump and ceding the House to the Democrats in 2018. In June of 2018, Senate Intel Committee staffer Wolfe was charged with lying to the Fed, Senators Corker and Flake retire.
November 2018: Dems take back the House, Republicans keep the Senate

Feb 2019: AG Barr is sworn in and takes over the Mueller SC probe
The key areas Mueller looked at for Obstruction were centered around the Comey memos, Mueller(Rosenstein) and Sessions. Additional areas were witness tampering.
After his report comes out, Mueller never exonerates the President and his statements lend to Congress for action. However, the Republicans had kept the Senate. The Democrats took a different approach and still tried to impeach the President
Volume II of the Mueller Report was basically a "road map" for Congress to bring impeachment charges against the President and for the ability to charge him after he leaves office. The road map was based on a plan developed by Leon Jaworski in the Watergate scandal
What a complete and utter fraud…. All done with the assistance of our corrupt media

HT: @KappertIsle @KingMakerFT
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