I’ve been doing a bit of reading about risk-based decision making. That’s the context for these comments. I am concerned that there seem to be two prevailing mental models about COVID-19 and both of them are wrong. One is that zero risk is achievable. (1/x)
This train of thought is that if we do all the things that we are being told to do, we can “stay safe.” The other prevailing mental model is that there is no risk. Based on my understanding, neither of these are true. We need to change the conversation to a risk-based one. (2/x)
A risk-based approach to COVID-19 would use the available information, move cautiously but move forward, and be ready to pivot as new information emerges. This approach would also factor in all the possible risks, including loss of employment, negative impacts of no (3/x)
in-person schooling, loss of learning from quickly assembled in-line courses by teachers with little training, mental health impacts of isolation, and take all of those risks into account. It’s a big shift from how we have been operating - but I hope we can find a way. (4/4)
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