I am nearly crying because the most wonderful thing just happened. I answered the phone, and it was some kid asking for Sydney. I said "No sorry, you have the wrong number." And then he said "oh sorry." Then he paused a sec and said, "Is your refrigerator running?"
I laughed SO hard. Then I said "does your mother know you're doing this?" "Of couuuuuurrrse DUH" More belly laughing from me. "How old are you?" "11. What's your name?" "Jax. What's yours." "Jimmy." "Jimmy, tell me another joke." I'm typing it like he said it:
"what does. what does the producer. the buyer. What does the producer buyer have that he doesn't know he's using it. A COFFFFFINNN!!!"

A 7 minute conversation. I told him that I had a really terrible day, and he made me laugh SO hard and I really really appreciated it.
He apparently was trying to call his sister (he is at camp [!!! don't get me started] but he misdialed because her number is close to mine. "I hope I don't call you again by mistake." "I don't really like my sister anyway so maybe I won't call her."
"I'm a mom and I said you have to call her so you have to. That's the rules. I don't make the rules. You gotta do what I tell you to." "Ohhhkay, I will." "Bye Jimmy. Have a good night." "Bye Jax."
This was the 2nd best wrong number I've ever gotten. The best wrong number was many years ago when a woman called for Jackie & when I said, "Who's this?" She said "It's mom." Turned out she also had a daughter named Jackie & I sounded like her. She called me twice. :)
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