At the risk of sounding like a real firebrand: I think there are a lot of people who would love to see America lose her global standing as punishment for our original sin of slavery, and that these types of people are grossly overrepresented among the media/commentariat class.
And I don’t think they care if that fall means an autocratic dictatorship in China, who is actively committing genocide, takes our place. Because it’s enough to them that America will be dethroned.
And to be clear, I DON’T think this is anything close to a mainstream view among Democrats. At least the normal, not on twitter, mom and pop Joe Biden voting Democrats.

Maybe that’s naive.
But I think there is a certain demented strain of progressivism, empowered by a handful of radical racial arsonists, who are really driving this.

The rest of the Dems are mostly just bystanders.
And that these bad elements are enabled by a lot of people who are too dumb, too polite, too cowardly, or too distracted to redirect the ship. Even among the commentariat class.
And I’m terrified because I think that if we don’t address this mentality - if we don’t correct it with the often complicated & problematic history of America that represents the greatest experiment in human freedom - that we‘re in jeopardy of coming apart at the seams.
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