I am gonna say this take:

Stop blaming Cody, Brandi, and Kenny for what's going on in the women's division.

The show is only 2 hours long and the company has been around for UNDER 2 YEARS.

Most of the women are currently under travel restrictions or injured.

Be patient.
They can only do what they can to for now. They cannot sign literally every woman's wrestler they put on Dark or a tournament.

It goes by an offer which costs TNT and Tony money.

And with COVID-19, AEW can do all they can for a 2 hour show. And MOST PEOPLE DON'T OWN CABLE.
That's mainly why the tournament is on YouTube.

"RIHO wasn't on TV during her reign!" She also works with STARDOM.

"The Kris vs RIHO/Nyla thing wasn't happening!" Kris had other obligations with Beyond Wrestling and other promotions. Then she got injured.
"Oh but there was only a minute long match with Swole and Reba!" Okay fit a 20 minute women's match with a 12 man tag main event and see if it'll reach the time limit... I'll wait.

You had your match. Yes, it was short. Yes, I was disappointed too.
I get it. The women's division in AEW still needs work. Well guess what? On this time period, it can't right now. With a global pandemic and injuries and also loss of money due to NO TICKET SALES SINCE MARCH.

AEW is not WWE. AEW hasn't been around 30+ years. Only less than 2.
Time to be blunt: this is why some of the AEW talent has LEFT social media or doesn't even want to step on to interact. Over the last 2 weeks, I've seen people call them names, say hurtful things, all because you want to see tits and ass for more than 5 mins, enough for a wank.
If you want to support women's Wrestling and help AEW fix the division: don't complain, don't whine, don't be disrespectful. Buy the womens' merch. Buy the shirts of the talent you love so much. Support them so they can see you love them. That's how they get paid. Not AEW.
I'm all for equality and women's Wrestling, I LOVE that shit.

But instead of shitting on people on social media, actually act on it. Buy merch, continue to watch the promotion, and if you want to ask a question and they answer in a way you didn't like, just ask for clarity.
Be respectful to not just AEW but WWE too. How long did it take WWE to showcase women's Wrestling in a way that isn't sexist or derogatory? Hell WWE still pulls like "she's cute and everyone loves her so we out her on TV for a sexy role and also here's some strippers for RAW."
Why do you really want to support women's Wrestling? Is it truly for equality? Is it truly because you want to see your favorites shine? It is truly because you have absolutely no patience on a NEW company not following an OLDER company's way of displaying women's Wrestling?
The "women's revolution" took how long? And you got ONE all women's PPV... That most of you watched where? ONLINE. Not all 1.5 million viewers watched WWE Evolution in a stadium.

You have a women's tag team tournament ONLINE.

Treat it as the same step towards the same thing.
I want to see both NXT, WWE, MLW, ROH (under new management please) and GCW and any indie promotion or mainstream promotion out there to succeed in all divisions, especially in women's wrestling. I want women's wrestling to succeed. Support the talent, don't shit on the company.
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