Feeds down, time to catch up on all the IG Lives and podcasts these HGs did before going in talking strategy: let's see what Coco says #BB22
Coco said she was contacted in March. Just so weird to me that some of these HGs got a call so early and Memphis got one 3 weeks ago... #BB22
Wow they address the "crying to production" rumors. Coco says it came from someone she believes is also in the house and that it's ironic. She says she didn't talk to Josh and Paul. #BB22
They mention how the show was pushed back a lot. Angela said the same with Tyler. #BB22
Coco expected Josh, Kaycee, Ian and Dayvonne on #BB22. She says she was afraid to pregame.
Coco didn't want to see in the house- cause she wouldn't trust them: the Reilly sisters (Elissa, since Rachel is pregnant), Kaycee, Dan (though she'd love to play with him). She doesn't mention people like Michelle cause she doesn't think she's an All-Star 😂 #BB22
She also didn't want to see Natalie in the house cause of some twitter rants that Nat has accused her of throwing her underwear (?) and she says it wasn't her, but doesn't wanna say who it was #BB22
Coco hopes to see in the #BB22 house- Dani, Derrick, Paul and Britney
Coco says Donny is All-Star material, she'd love to see him in #BB22. She'd love a lot of people from BB16, Frankie, Caleb...not so much people from bb18
Coco addresses the whole "i hate women" narrative, she says Christine backstabbed her and she was loyal to Zakiyah and then Meech also turned on her. It's about loyalty, no matter the gender #BB22
Coco's mom says someone on twitter who hosts a show had tweeted something about "why would they even bring her back for bb18" and he had previously DMd Coco saying her and Donny were the only non-sheep on bb16, but talks crap since she didn't do his show #BB22
Coco said they should have raised the prize money like they did for Winners at War #BB22
Coco said she picked a spot in the house where people say "she layed all summer" where she could see/hear everyone and seem like she's doing nothing #BB22
Coco says Paulie is the best ally she has ever had in the bb house. He was the most loyal, gung-ho winning and despite putting him up week 1 due to Cody, it bonded them. She says if someone puts her up as a pawn, she know she's expendable to them #BB22
Coco hopes there's a few winners to get the target off her, names Ian, Derrick, Dan, Kaycee #BB22
Coco wanted a smaller cast of 12/14 and hopes there's a buyback #BB22
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