One Piece Chapter 310 Color Spread Analysis - a thread

Big shout-out to @Portent199 for finding all of these interesting details. Some of these elements are already pretty well known, but others I am sure have not been discussed until now.
First and foremost, the find that caught me off guard immediately was the fact that Luffy in this spread is wielding 3 swords. This cannot be a mere coincidence in a manga in which one of the main cast uses three sword style as his signature style. This is clearly Oda's way of-
-incorporating Zoro into spread in which he does not personally appear.

Now onto details that many people are already aware of, but are important nonetheless. On Luffy's kimono we find multiple instances of the Kozuki symbol. This color spread was 507 chapters prior to the-
-introduction/reveal of the symbol in chapter 817 in the Zou arc.

Furthermore, the Eastern Dragon featured prominently in the back of the color spread is colored pink, the same color of Kozuki Momonosuke's dragon form he obtained from a SMILE devil fruit.
These two details prove that this color spread contains valid hints that ended up being included in the story years down the line.

Having covered Luffy's kimono design I would also like to draw your attention to Robin's. Her white kimono features falling autumn leaves.
It just so happens that the White Tiger in Chinese Lore (The Four Auspicious Beasts) represents the autumn season.

And for those not aware, many believe Zoro represents said White Tiger, as the tiger is fated to battle with an Azure Dragon, representing Kaido, the true enemy.
To wrap this up I will dive into some deeper speculation. It seems like the dragon in the background is surrounded by a blue flame which is distinct from the blue cloth seen on the ground. Perhaps this blue flame is a reference to Zoro's eventual use of blue colored flames-
-during his fight in Thriller Bark with the legendary samurai Ryuma, whose impact on Wano cannot be understated.

This concludes the analysis of the color spread. I will be dropping another thread during the week related to the flames Zoro used in the Ryuma fight, so stay tuned!
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