The key tenet of constructivist theory is that learning is a process whereby people make sense of new information by relating it to what they already know, often unconsciously. This should not shock anyone. Knowing this helps teachers plan instruction to help students learn.
Discovery learning is & has been a discredited pedagogy for as long as I can's delinquent teaching as it doesn't provide the necessary structural conditions for students to learn. I don't know any teacher educator or teacher who supports it. Am I missing something?
The point is that before people start making wild claims about 'constructivist' learning' (whatever that is?) & 'discovery learning' they should know what they're talking about. Maybe a few hours in my class would be of benefit? So sick of people distorting educational thought.
Oh, but I forgot! How negligent of me. Everyone has been to school so WE ALL know what goes on there and what it should be like, don't we?
I have no real opinion one way or the other on today's Ministerial Order. I've seen these ideas before & know it's part of the educational circle of ideas, & that things will change again one day. Stick to your principles, do good things, care for students' learning, & stay well.
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