Pro hero bkdk becoming roommates only for Bakugou to quickly realize Deku brings over a lot of people. And not in a having guests over way, he means like Deku is regularly hooking up with people. Bakugou has no idea how Deku found the charms to get someone in bed with him.
If anything Bakugou can’t tell if he’s jealous or impressed. Also, Bakugou hasn’t even tried to go into the so called “hook up scene”. He’s been too busy with his career, and currently he’s roommates with Deku until he can afford his own place.

So how the actual fuck is Deku
getting laid so much?

Bakugou just thinks it’s easy because Deku is a pro hero. That’s charming enough as it is. When Bakugou goes to the local bar that night, attempting to flirt his way into someone’s pants that night, he finds himself struggling.

A lot.
Maybe he said the wrong thing or maybe he just didn’t click with the right person. Was that red haired girl even interested in going home with someone that night?

Bakugou can’t figure it out.

And it doesn’t help either when he comes home that night /hearing/ Deku.
He hears Deku’s rough grunts and feels it in the walls as the bed slam into the wall. He hears Deku’s partner of the night making it very clear vocally that they’re being pleasured in so many ways.

Bakugou is so ashamed with how hard he is from hearing everything, but
it’s not long before his hand is reaching down his pants touching himself in the ways that he needs it most. He can’t tell if he’s getting himself off to Deku’s voice, Deku’s partner, or the idea of Deku even having sex, but whatever it is Bakugou knows his dry spill is very bad.
However what makes all of this worse, all of it fall apart, is when Bakugou hears Deku whimper out a “Kacchan” from the other side of the wall.

Deku moaned out his name.

Bakugou froze, almost too shocked to continue. He was even more hard at this point, and it was so painful,
but why is Deku hooking up with so many people, only to moan out his name.

Deku said Kacchan.

Deku wants Bakugou.

Bakugou tried his best to zone out of the brief conversation, something about Deku’s one night lover asking Deku about “who is Kacchan”. Bakugou almost
screamed from the other side of the wall saying that he was Kacchan. It was overwhelming and too much to hear.

Soon there was silence, some shuffling of belongings, and a door slammed shut.

He hear a stressed sigh from Deku, only for a few minutes later to hear Deku walk
out of his room into the kitchen.

Does Bakugou also go out there? Does he try intervening with Deku? What would he even do?

Options ranged from an awkward conversation to having Deku bend him over on the kitchen counter.

Bakugou felt glued to his own mattress, but it was too
late for anything as Deku slowly retreated to his home retiring for the night.

Bakugou tried to sleep that night, but his mind was racing 100 miles a minute and he couldn’t help it.

Why is Deku having an easy time getting anyone he wants, but Deku is so hesitant around him?
Bakugou doesn’t talk about it in the morning.
THANK YOU SO MUCH @FeatherUgly it means so much 🥺

Anyways there’s more
That next morning was almost painful for Bakugou.

He was quick to notice how urgent Deku was about leaving for work that day. Usually before he leaves he says a simple “bye Kacchan” or “see you later” even if he’s running late.

This time Deku didn’t say anything.
Bakugou wanted to shrug it off so badly but it unfortunately occupied his mind for the rest of the day.

While patrolling around he hated how his mind drifted back to hearing how broken Deku was when he said his name.

Why was Deku chasing that high from strangers?
Was he not good enough? Did Deku regret having some sort of feelings for Bakugou?

What was holding Deku back so much?

Work was slow, only a bank robbery and some elder woman who needed help crossing the street. Nothing exciting, and Bakugou hated it because he needed something
to sweep away any negative thought he was experiencing.

Bakugou was so overwhelmed, and he’s certain Kirishima and his other co workers caught on.

Kirishima didn’t speak any words, not wanting to poke a stick at the snake, but Kirishima did give him a brief glance clearly
conveying some type of “I’m here for you, man” kind of ordeal.

If Bakugou was in a good mood he would’ve thanked Kirishima for it.

Despite his previous failures at all the local bars, Bakugou still found himself going to his favorite one just to loosen up a bit after work.
The stress of everything was weighing on him so much, and a shot or two wouldn’t be the worse at the moment.

So that’s why Bakugou strided into the bar demanding two shots of tequila.

The bartender was immediately concerned.

“Tequila, huh? You’re really needing it tonight?”
Bakugou sighed, pulling out a bar stool at the counter. “Yeah, just stressed.”

The bartender laughed, pouring his drinks. As soon as the shot glasses were slid over to Bakugou, he immediately grabbed them and threw his head back as fast as possible.

The bartender just simply
wolf whistled in response. “You’re really going through it. Watch yourself.”

Bakugou immediately felt the buzz. He should’ve slowed down, but it felt good not thinking about Deku for once.

The burn of the tequila was definitely erasing any memory of Deku morning his name.
“It happens I guess,” Bakugou said in response, pulling out his wallet to tip the bartender.

“Well, dude,” the bartender said as Bakugou placed an unknown amount of cash into the tip jar. “I wish you luck.”

Bakugou added a few extra coins to the jar. “Thank you.”
The cold air outside of the bar was very refreshing, and was almost sobering for Bakugou.

That’s when he felt his phone buzzing.

Bakugou slowly pulled his phone out of his pocket.

His face paled when he saw that he had 25 messages and 10 missed called from Deku.

Oh shit.
Bakugou reluctantly pressed the answer button.

He was greeted by a panicked, shriller voice. “Kacchan? Where are you?”

“I was just getting some drinks. I’ll be back.”

Deku sighed from the other side of the line. “Okay, sorry. Kirishima texted me asking for me to check in
with you? He said you were in a particularly bad mood at work.”

Bakugou frowned. He was going to kill that shitty haired friend of his.

“I’ll be home soon.”

Deku stayed silent for a moment. “Okay. I made dinner, so get home before it gets too cold.”

Bakugou couldn’t resist
the smile he had. Deku barely cooks for anyone, not even himself.

“Okay, nerd. See you in a bit.”

Bakugou quickly hung up not waiting for Deku to say bye back, and he called a taxi.

The ride home was a blur, slowly the alcohol decided to creep back up on him.
He especially felt his drunken state as he got out of the taxi, struggled to give the last of his cash to the driver, and he hated how much of a light weight he was when he had trouble opening his front door.

“Hey, I’m home,” Bakugou called out into his rather dim apartment.
Deku was always paranoid about having expensive electric bills.

As soon as Bakugou had his shoes off, Deku was standing in the hallway with a stern yet concerned expression painted on his face. His green eyes flickered with worry.

“Kacchan were you drinking?”
Bakugou paused, taking off his coat and placing it on the rack. “Yes.”

He might as well be honest knowing how persistent Deku is.

“Kacchan, if you ever need to talk to me I’m not here to judge alright?”

Bakugou felt frustrated. Why is it that Deku could easily listen to
his feelings but Deku won’t tell Bakugou why he’s hooking up with strangers and moaning out his name.

Why can’t Deku tell Bakugou what he wants to hear.

It hurts.

Deku broke the silence, most likely realizing he wasn’t going to get a response.

Bakugou has really calmed down
with age.

“I have some food if you want it? I can reheat it if necessary...”

Bakugou started heading towards their kitchen, walking past Deku to see the tubberware on the countertop.

Deku was already putting away the leftovers. He’s so impatient.

“You don’t have to heat it
up. Thank you though.”

Deku stayed back leaning on the counter. Bakugou tried to ignore how really buff Deku had grown to be. He still had his round face and freckles adding that special youthful charm, but also his jaw was more defined. Deku figured out some type of
uppercut haircut that made him look so much more mature.

Bakugou wanted him so bad.

Deku fidgeted awkwardly, his arm shifting on the countertop as if he was uncomfortable. “Are you okay if join you for your dinner?”

Bakugou smiled. “Of fucking course, you nerd.”
Deku beamed. “Good. I was almost missing your cursing.”

Bakugou felt surprised with that remark. “Really? Is that so much of my whole persona?”

Bakugou sat down at their small table, starting to eat what he now realized was lasagna.

Wow Bakugou was not sober.
He didn’t regret it though, as he got to let himself appreciate the way Deku was laughing.

“What’s so funny, Deku?”

Deku tried calming down from his laughing spill. “Oh just, I always associate you with curse words. If anyone literally says “fuck” or “die” I immediately
think of you.”

Bakugou smirked. “You must think of me a lot then, huh.”

Bakugou could’ve sworn he saw Deku blush. “Eat your dinner, Kacchan.”

Not wanting to push this conversation further. Bakugou did just that. He ate his dinner that Deku made for him, and he felt relieved
having company after such a long day of feeling so alone.

“Are you still feeling drunk?” Deku asked as Bakugou got up to put his dishes in the sink.

(I’m adding more hold on Twitter is being wonky)
Bakugou stopped for a moment. “No, I get drunk fast and I sober up even faster.”

Deku ran his hand through his hair.

“What is it nerd?”

Deku took a deep breath. “You look really good tonight, Kacchan.”
Bakugou felt his ear flush and everything suddenly felt like it was coming together or falling apart?

It was a lot at once.

“How so, Deku.”

Maybe this was how Deku got so many people to fall for him. The only difference hear was that Bakugou had fallen for him a long
time ago. He’s just so stubborn he didn’t realize it yet.

“Kacchan, look at yourself. I’m-,” Deku stood up, heading over to the sink where Bakugou started washing his dishes.

Bakugou didn’t say anything when Deku took the dish out of Bakugou’s hands, Deku coming up from behind
him, and Bakugou swore he felt Deku’s breath against his ears.

Bakugou really felt sober in that moment.

“Let me take care of that.”

Bakugou froze, slowly letting Deku wash the dish for him.

Deku finished washing the dish, placing down the sponge and soap. “Do you like it
when I take care of you, Kacchan?”

Bakugou wanted to hear Deku say that stupid nickname, but now it felt like a weapon.


Deku slowly approached Bakugou, and Bakugou felt himself leaning back on the counter as Deku had him cornered.

“Are you sure you’re sober, Kacchan?”
Bakugou gulped. “What do you want me to say, nerd? I’ve already told you I’ve sobered up. It’s been two hours since I’ve drank. It’s out of the system.”

Deku’s hand snaked up Bakugou’s face, slowly resting under his chin.

Bakugou’s whole face burned red.
“I see how you’re staring at me, ya know,” Deku said, his other hand slowly rubbing against Bakugou’s firm bicep. “I was hoping you were sober.”

Bakugou tried to focus his attention away from how hot Deku’s intense green eyes were. “Why is that, Deku?”

Deku hummed.
“So I could do this.” And just like Deku leaned in and kissed Bakugou.

Oh and did Deku kiss the hell out of Bakugou, going in strong and biting Bakugou’s lip, only to trend in deeper.

Bakugou’s hands fisted Deku’s green curls, as Bakugou allowed himself to lean back on the
counter. Bakugou made sure to kiss Deku absolutely stupid.

“Fuck, Kacchan.” Deku gasped as he proceeded to rub his now hard length against Bakugou’s now hard cock strained in his pants.

Bakugou wanted Deku so bad.
“Fuck, please! Deku!” Bakugou moaned out. Deku’s hands were traveling everyone around Bakugou, memorizing every curve and crevice. “I heard you say my name.”

Deku nipped on Bakugou’s ear, only for him to pull back a little while laughing. The warm breath from Deku’s laugh was
too erotic for Bakugou.

“I was hoping you would hear me.” Deku said, slowly moving his hands down palming Bakugou through his clothes. “You want this?”


Bakugou has never replied so fast in his life.

“Good.” Deku said, pulling back and flipping Bakugou over, pushing
him down on the counter with his ass out like a good fucking boy.

Bakugou felt the cold tile welcome his pressed down face, as Deku held him down by the back of the neck.

“Let me take care of you, Kacchan,” Deku started to pull down Bakugou’s pants, and Bakugou felt Deku’s
thick, callused finger starting to rim him.

“Oh, god,” Bakugou said, his voice wavering.

“You like that, Kacchan?” Deku teased.

“Yes, please Deku.”

Deku laughed. “Alright then, Kacchan.”
That’s when Bakugou felt Deku’s warm tongue slowly rim around his hole.

Bakugou moaned, his hands trying to grip something on the counter as his face pressed in more to the granite countertop.

Deku was talented with his tongue. Slowly lapping around everything, and
occasionally his fingers would lightly tease his enterance.

Deku was making Bakugou fall apart. Almost like he was punishing him.

Bakugou wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Fuck Deku, I’m going to cum,” Bakugou cried out in an octave he never has heard his voice in.
Deku pushed his tongue in deeper, and his hand slowly started pumping Bakugou’s cock.

“Fuck!” Bakugou screamed out as his cum slowly splattered on the kitchen drawers beneath him.

Deku pulled back, admiring the site of a bent over, out of breath and fucked out Bakugou.
As Bakugou stayed leaned over the counter trying to come down him his orgasm high, Deku got a nearby towel, soaked it in water, and he started to clean up the mess they both made.

“Shit, Deku, let me take care of you.” Bakugou said, slowly leaning up from the counter.
Deku shushed Bakugou silent. “It’s okay, Kacchan. I wanted to take of you. Speaking of which let’s get you to bed.”

Bakugou slowly obliged, and that night when they went to bed cuddled together, they felt like they could finally have each other.
The end!!

Thanks for reading 🥰
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