A thread and message, from 21 year old Victor, in 2015. Pay attention to what is the same and what is worse:

I have an issue with being called “political” when i speak of the world in a way that isn’t typical.
There’s nothing political about being aware of your country’s history, atrocities, and true intentions.

As a citizen I have a right to keep my government in check. That’s what I’ve been taught in school and have read in the Constitution.
To live in a country that provides such an opportunity and ignore the millions of people who were killed or enslaved, the countries that have been invaded or occupied, or the structural violence that perpetuates struggle is simply disgusting.
Take into consideration the issues you already ignore and multiple them by ten. There’s far too much you don’t know.

To call someone who is aware of the truth “political” is trying to subdue important discussions that can lead to solutions.
Staying willfully ignorant in this day and age is inexcusable. I take a proactive approach because I know there are reasons behind everything.
I just can’t ignore the facts:

• The US gives billions in support to Israel while Detroit looks like a 3rd world country

• Politicians receive more money from lobbying than their payroll

• Veterans come home to find they can’t afford medication or even see a doctor
• More money has been wasted on a failed fighter jet than we’ve ever put into education, infrastructure, or social programs

• 180+ countries have US military bases
• The poor are blamed as a financial strain while companies destroying our only planet receive corporate welfare

• Inflation is run amok

• The housing bubble is worse now than it was in 2008
• Saudi Arabia beheads over 100 people and they’re our ‘allies’ while ISIS beheads 4 people and they’re evil

• The police have killed over 1000 people this year

• Refugees are being displaced due to OUR bombs and we have the audacity to call THEM a “threat,”
• The military is predominantly poor or minorities and we wonder why congress is so quick for “boots on the ground”

• Children are going hungry while Commanders send drone strikes to kill foreign children

• Delivered by machinery that cost more than simply feeding them would
• But we fight their wars

• Bail their companies out

• Pay their debts for pieces of paper with no value,

• Pay for rising food, gas, education, and health prices with stale wages and THEY have the audacity to say WE’RE the problem
• They stole your social security, your rights

• Spy on you for a ‘war on terror’ they’ve created

• Filled your television, radio, and newspapers with crap

It’s STILL consumed willingly, images dehumanizing those who are different from you....
to make you forget that you’re part of a bigger collective than yourself.

To keep you distracted and disillusioned while they get away with the world.

Wake up and look around.
The world is bursting at the seams trying to get your attention while you decide which filter makes your meal look most appetizing.

Just because your complacency with ignorance is common, doesn’t make it normal. Or moral.
If this resonated with you, I have other long form writing that i send out occasionally.

In fact, I just sent one a few minutes before finding this thread.

You can follow @SubtleBodhi.
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