(Niche conversation alert)

Love this from @NateL_A. This is why I'm only half-joking that every fundraiser in the humanitarian sector should have to minor in int'l development and then write up a theory of change for how their fundraising is going to advance program goals. https://twitter.com/nonprofitaf/status/1291483891044249600
Most fundraisers can't even begin to imagine that ending poverty and hunger and oppression and injustice might involve anything more than just raising enough money, let alone get a whiff of how the way we talk about stuff could have a negative impact
A whole bunch of things matter beyond your organization's revenue. Most of the issues orgs are confronting are about power, justice and marginalization - why would the answer to that just be money?
Your donors are culpable in the systems of injustice you're addressing, and dismantling those systems requires them knowing that. With donor-centric fundraising, they'll never get a whiff of that. They're only ever heroes and they should only ever feel that way.
Donor-centrism will only ever talk about climate adaptation and won't mention mitigation. Donor-centrism doesn't care what mining companies are up to in DRC. Donor-centrism doesn't care how you vote.
Donor-centrism honestly doesn't really care if you walk away from giving and still have a colonial, racist view of the people you just donated to help.

Donor-centrism isn't capable of building a just world.
We NEED money. We need experts who can help us raise it really effectively. But I'm so ready for evolution from "I'm here to maximize your revenue" to "I'm here to maximize fulfilment of your mission" and for the experts to work on how we can fundraise really well in that frame.
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