Just watching #AdvisorBahadur @YusufMoeed talking about the New 'Political Map' and then when @arifanoor72 asks if it got some traction anywhere abroad pivots to talking about the paid laser ads in Times Square NYC; Houses of Parliament, and Marble Arch, London. What do these 2/
2/ PAID Ads have to do with the silly map? He also said that the OIC put out a strong statement on Human Rights abuses in IHK. Well, if that is the case why did @SMQureshiPTI foam at the mouth about Saudi Arabia? Do these #Infantile #Idiots know what the hell they are talking 3/
3/ about? I mean the #AdvisorBahadur praising the OIC and the FM railing against it? What the bloody hell is going on? Let me add: Laser displays PAID FOR by WHOEVER are not the official position of the governments of the U.S. and the U.K. Till when will we be saddled by this 4/
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