Check on your teacher friends. We are not ok. We feel like we have been slapped. We are going back to work worrried. And, today, the Education Minister and quite a few Albertans called teachers the enemy. /1 @shoffmanAB @RachelNotley @schill_dawg @Jantafrench @alberta_moms
Lagrange broke what little faith we had that this government could be fair and respectful of teachers. She told Albertans, again, that Social Studies teachers indoctrinate students and are anti oil and gas. /2
This is what she used to condemn Alberta teachers. Read the question. It asks which ARGUMENT could be used to justify an anti oil and gas stance. That question is directly from the curriculum. The teacher was checking student understanding of a specific outcome - /3
an outcome that says students should be able to identify arguents that people can make about an issue facing Albertans. IDENTIFY. NOT AGREE.If the Minister knew about tried and true teaching methods, /4
she would know that you can't find out what a student thinks about an issue through a multiple choice exam. And, although I have not it because a copy was NEVER provided, I would bet that the next question asks students what argument would support oil & gas development. /5
Never in my career have I told a student what to think no matter how much I may have disagreed with that belief. My job is to teach students HOW to think not WHAT to think. I give students access to all sides of an issue, I ask probing questions to test their thinking, /6
and I provide opportunities for students to talk to each other and share their thoughts and challenge each other's ideas in a respectful and evidence based way. /7
I also normalize changing one's mind when we learn new and illuminating information - a skill that this government is very much lacking. And don't even get me started on the idea that teachers do not teach numeracy and literacy every day in every subject. 😡 /8
Anyone who believes in robust education for the children of this province you need to FIGHT. This government does not care what teachers think; they do not recognize our expertise. Lastly, this government leaves special needs children totally behind. That must change. /9
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