Allowing fans at MLS matches (& USL which is flying under the radar) is wild for a couple of reasons. First, it's such a punt to say, "Well, where local regulations allow..." after seeing the local regulations. is a game that allows us to use global examples.
Uruguay returns this weekend with a Clásico, Nacional vs. Peñarol. They've decided it's smartest to have it behind closed doors. They've had 1,309 COVID cases & 37 deaths. Combine Dallas+Collin County & we have around the same population with 59,713 cases & 813 deaths.
That we're saying, "Eh, it's fine. 10,000 people can spread out and be safe" overlooks both how prevalent the coroanvirus is in our country & shows the lack of caution that has gotten us into this situation while others are returning to some semblance of normalcy.
Instead we've seen far too many places just shrug and say, 'Have at it!' with at best nods toward safety and at worst outright disregard for it.

Look, I want to be back in packed stadiums ASAP! Hopefully it works out for MLS or whoever tries it, but...I have my doubts!
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