I’ve written two articles on this, but let’s have a brief twitter gender discourse. Am I going to regret this later? Maybe.

Crowley, Aziraphale, Beelzebub, Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Hastur, Ligur, Eric, and ... sigh. Even Sandalphon are all non-binary. All the angels/demons are
We don’t know what *type* of non-binary any of them are. We cannot say with certainty whether they’re gender fluid, agender, demi-boy/girl, or any of the other genders out there.

We only know that they’re non-binary. And that’s a good thing
Because it means all of you who think one of them may be your gender? You’re totally valid and head canon that all the way.

But you can’t declare it canon and that’s important because it means everyone else gets their head canons too. Everyone gets to enjoy this rep. Let them.
We all know that we don’t get enough nice things.

But while you’re doing that, be careful you’re not equating any part of their presentation to their gender. Because we don’t know. That’s also a good thing.
And non-binary people of any gender can look like anything. Clothing has no gender. Enjoy it. It’s meaning changes in every society and the one lesson we should all learn is to let people express themselves however they want.
And if you have gender questions and want to message me? I’m just one non-binary demon but I can try to help. Because gender is complicated. And it’s okay if you don’t have it figured out quite yet. Neither do I.
Tl;dr? All the angels and demons are non-binary. All. Of. Them.

And if you are? You’re valid af and Crowley and Aziraphale would totally get your pronouns correct and tell you you’re valid 💜
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