How many of supposed "experts", journalists & partisans attempting to discredit powerful pre-existing cross-protective Tcell immunity & strong natural Tcell responses against #SARSCoV2 have actually published research re natural T-cell immunity saving human lives against viruses?
2/My research at🇨🇦's Level4 National Micro Lab w/the late Dr Plummer focused on exactly that: his team was first to ever discover natural Tcell immunity among HIV1-resistant Kenyan sex-workers. My research focused on harnessing powers of those Tcell immune responses to save lives
3/Tcell immunity now a target for same reason HCQ was—disrupts BigPharma & political WHO agenda. Now 10 published peer-reviewed #SARSCoV2 studies prove we have strong pre-existing long-lasting cross-protective Tcell immunity to SARSCoV2 & that we're already close to herd immunity
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