I have a lot of soft KRBK thoughts but Im also nasty and want more Alpha Katsuki and Omega Eijirou. Ei being used to waking up with his mate turning him over onto his hands and knees just so he can hump him, fucking his thick thighs until Ei wakes up and bega for his knot.
Tw: consensual somno

Katsuki woke up first, mostly because Eijirou is an actual rock and sleeps like one. He’s already curled up around Ei, still naked front last night. It’s warm under their blankets and Ei’s breathing could lull him back to sleep. But
Ei is so so pretty when he’s all relaxed. Broad body, pliant and soft. His scent is so sweet and content, Katsuki’s Alpha preens. He made his Omega smell that way. Katsuki pressed his nose to Ei’s scent gland and slides a hand down his side to squeeze his hip.
Katsuki feels Ei shift and he smiles against tanned skin when Eijirou mumbles, “‘Suki.” He glances up at his mate’s face and yep. He’s still asleep.
Ugh he’s so dumb and perfect, Katsuki can feel that sweet curl of possessive greed in him at the thought. Ei is /his/ Omega and no one could ever see him like this.
It’s enough to have his cock filling out between their bodies, bumping against Ei’s lower back because his big Omega is a moutain of muscle and Katsuki flaunts it any chance he gets.
Fuck and the way Ei blushes when Katsuki scents him in public, it’s so /cute/. Katsuki can’t stand cute things but big manly Eijirou biting his lip like he wants to ask for more... yeah it makes him weak.
Katsuki catches himself licking over Ei’s gland, it makes his head foggy - makes his Alpha drunk on content, wanting Omega. And Ei is wanting his gorgeous body responding to Katsuki’s and making precious, /delicious/ slick.
“Fuck,” Katsuki whimpers his cock now achingly hard. Ei had come twice on his tongue last night and Katsuki is still hungry for more.
He coaxes Ei to roll over onto his belly and fuck if his mate doesn’t whimper and lift his fat ass up like he’s trying to present in his sleep. Katsuki’s fangs slide out at that, dripping his drool onto Eijirou’s back.
‘Breed. Breed. Breed,’ It’s like he’s in rut and Katsuki /knows/ he’s not due for one for at least 3 months. But the need is there and sweet Eijirou opens his plush thighs as he snores and Katsuki can’t resist.
He wraps his arms around Eijirou’s waist and presses his sweaty forehead against Ei’s shoulder blade as he slides his cock between those /perfect/ thighs.
Katsuki whimpers like a pup - like the first time Ei sucked him off behind the training buildings. He reaches down and pushes Eiji’s thighs together, holding them steady as he rolls his hips.
Ei shifts and Katsuki knows he’ll wake up soon but he’s past reasoning at this point. He digs his claws into Ei’s thighs and fucks into the warm channel he’s made for himself, humping his Omega with harsh panting breaths.
“Ei, Ei, Ei,” Katsuki whispers against Eijirou’s masssive back, looking up at his bright red hair and how it lays sprawled everywhere. He wants to grab it, to tug it, and make Ei arch his neck. But he’s too short and his arms are busy.
Eijirou’s purring hiccups and he groans, licking his lips, “‘Suki?? Mm! Mm! Mm!” Ei hums to the rough beat of Katsuki’s hips slapping against his thighs and Katsuki gasps biting his back to stiffle his whine at being caught.
“Ouch,” Eijirou complains in his deep groggy voice. It has no heat and does nothing to slow Katsuki’s humping. Eijirou presses his thighs together as Katsuki opens his mouth, panting harshly.
Katsuki is beyond words, eyes locked onto Eiji’s face as the big Omega twists his upper body so he can reach a hand back to cup Katsuki’s face, “That feel good, Alpha?” Ei’s eyes sparkle with mischief as Katsuki growls, pace quickening.
Eijirou smiles that 1000 megawatt smile at him and he looks good. So fucking good. Soft from sleep but /confident/ that he’s the reason Katsuki woke him up like this. It’s too much and not enough. The blonde groans, pressing his forehead into Ei’s back again, “fuck, Eijirou.”
“You gunna come like that, big Alpha,” Katsuki snarls, “or are you gunna come where we both know you want too,” Eijirou’s words slur a little with his sleepiness and Katsuki can only keen. He’s drooling onto Ei’s back and he can’t stop.
“Fuck Katsuki... you’re so hot when you’re sloppy,” Eijirou purrs and presses his shoulders into the bed so he can reach back and grab Katsuki with a hand on his hip and the other around the base of his cock. Katsuki howls at being stopped and Ei croons to placate him.
Katsuki is shaking in his hands, as he growls again and digs his claws into Eijirou’s soft love handles, “Breed!” Katsuki demands with a keen and Ei smirks as he guides Katsuki’s pre cum slicked cock into his ass.

“Mmm there you go, big boy... Nn and people call me the puppy.”
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Eiiii,” Katsuki pants hard, as that lush heat sucks him in. He’s fucked Eijirou more times than he can count but he still feels so euphoric. Katsuki closes his eyes and bites Eijirou’s back again - “Ouch Kats!” - as he pushes all the way inside.
“Oh!” Eijirou gasps as Katsuki growls and pumps his hips harshly, not realizing that he’s fucking Eijirou with his knot already so huge it’s almost full.
“Fuck! Shit! Suki! Alpha!” Eijirou tries to lift himself up onto his hands to brace himself but Katsuki puts a rough, clawed hand between his shoulders and shoves him down, making Ei keep up his presenting, “Mine.”
“Yes, yours,” Ei chokes out and Kats growls again, putting both his hands on the middle of Ei’s massive back, digging in his claws as he keep biting Ei’s back over and over again.
Katsuki snarls because can’t reach Eiji’s scent gland. He’s too fucking small and he /hates it./ He keens brokenly in anguish before his mouthguard coated in Eiji’s scent is being pushed into his mouth.
The happy noise Katsuki makes has Eijirou smiling as his perfect little Alpha fucks him on his fat knot because yeah Katsuki is 6 inches shorter than him but... well those inches were used in a much better place, if you asked Eijirou.
Katsuki digs his teeth into the mouthguard, eyes closing as drool spills down his chin. ‘Mate,’ he whimpers around his mouthful as his knot finally catches, giving Katsuki almost no room to move as he starts coming.
“Uhn fuck yes big boy, breed me so heavy, ‘Suki,” Eijirou licks his lips and shudders as Katsuki’s knot locks them together and he swears he can feel Katsuki’s balls sloshing with cum just before he pumps a massive load into him.
The feeling of Katsuki coming is what gets Eijirou in the end. He can feel how his Alpha’s cock throbs and the feeling of being filled has his own small cock spurting onto their sheets. Eijirou clutches Katsuki’s hip and ass, trying - and failing - to pull him in deeper.
Eijirou can feel Katsuki pressing his sweaty forehead against his back and the way his Alpha is purring, in that rumbley way that means he’s real fucking happy. He snorts at the weight of Katsuki on his lower back and slowly lowers his hips down, mindful of their tie.
A few moments later Eijirou hears a “bleh” and Katsuki’s mouthguard hits their bed with a wet sound. Ei grins as Katsuki starts licking over the bite marks on his back and he purrs, looking back over his shoulder again.
“What got into you this morning?” Ei grins, watching his Alpha kiss over the bite marks. Katsuki shrugs but there’s a blush on his cheeks, “You looked so good. Smelled so good.”
Ei purred his approval, happy and proud that he could make Katsuki crazy without even trying. They both groaned as Katsuki’s knot softened and the blonde pulled out, “Keep presenting, Ei. I’m hungry.”
“Hah fuck... okay,” Eiji lifted his ass back up and blushed, tilting his head back when Katsuki grabbed his ass and spread him wide. Slick and come spilled out and down, but Katsuki was right there, licking it up with a growl.
"Can't waste any," Katsuki grins, squeezing Eiji's ass in both hands just barely using his claws. He pushes his cheeks together just to watch more of their cum slide out of Ei's overstuffed hole, quick to catch it with his tongue again.
"Katsuki!" Eijirou whines, grabbing Katsuki's pillow, shoving his face into it and breathing in his scent with a groan, fuck it's so rich and heavy, Ei could suffocate. He decides to hold off for today and leans back to gasp, "Hahh, don't tease, Alpha."
Eijirou reaches back, grabbing Katsuki's hair and moaning when Katsuki pushes his tongue into his ass, nose smushed against his skin, "MM!! Yes, yes! Oh fuck, oh my /big/ Alpha."
Katsuki snarls and Eijirou keens with a grin on his face, as the blonde wraps his arms around Ei's thighs and lifts his ass up a little higher, "Oh! 'Suki! Katsuki! Fuck, I can't... uhn damnit, /fuck/ you're so manly, I'm so wet from your fat cock."
Ei's face is bright red as he moans and rocks his hips back onto Katsuki's mouth, tears forming in his eyes when his Alpha starts sucking and curling his tongue just right.

"Mm! yes!" Eijirou whimpers, cock stiff between his legs again.
Katsuki pulls back, gasping and panting to catch his breath, "Love eating your cream pie, Eijirou. /My/ little Omega cum dump." Katsuki pulls his hand back and slaps Eijirou's ass, groaning at the way it bounces.
"'Suki, please," Ei whines over his shoulder, looking back at his Alpha and loving how fucking red Katsuki is. From his ears down to his chest, he can't get enough of wrecking his mate.
"What do you want, Ei?" Katsuki's chest heaves for air and Eijirou licks his lips. He could ask for anything right now, couldn't he?
"Finish what you started and then turn me over and knot me again, Alpha," Ei grins and Katsuki smirks, crawling up his body to kiss him finally. It feels good, having Katsuki drapped across his upper back, and Ei purrs when Kats brushes his hair aside.
“I love you,” Katsuki grins and Eijirou kisses his lips one more time, “I know.” Katsuki’s eyebrows shoot up and his grin gets that little crazed edge as he grabs Ei by the hips and flips him over onto his back.
Ei moans because /my Alpha’s so strong/. Ei spreads his legs as Katsuki staddles his waist, “You /know/, eh? That all you gunna say?” He holds Ei down with two big hands on his shoudlers and Ei grins back up at him, “What’re you gunna do make me say it?”
“Hell yeah, I am,” Katsuki’s hands pop against his shoulders, making him Harden instantly.
They both know Ei’s ass is leaking, Katsuki’s cock is wet, and their both naked but that had never stopped them before.

Eijirou lunges at Katsuki, rolling them over in the bed with a playful growl.
Katsuki growls right back at him, crazed smile on his face, his hair an absolute mess. He’s falling back on the bed and pushing against Eiji’s huge chest before Ei can wrap him up in his arms to properly pin him down.
Rolling them over on their sides, Katsuki tries to reach up and scruff Eiji’s neck, snapping his teeth when Ei knocks his hand away and growls at him, sharp teeth showing. Their poor bed creaks at their wrestling and they roll one more time.
Katsuki’s hands smoke and he explodes against Ei a few times, singeing their sheets /again/. Their both too busy grappling to notice that the bed is coming to an end as Katsuki flips over on top of Eijirou and they go tumbling to the floor.
They land with a shared /OOF/ and Ei’s Hardened back thumps on the floor with a thud. Their panting and immediately both laughing as Katsuki pins Ei down by the shoulders.

“Say it,” Katsuki says, and Eijirou grins, hands on his Alpha tiny waist, “I love you too.”
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