It makes me quite sad that the gay rights movement is teetering on the brink because a profoundly homophobic ideology was allowed into the movement by organisations that were supposed to protect it, and has now set about destroying it from within. This bizarre gender ideology
is going to adversely affect the movement. The fact that it doesn’t recognise sex as being valid is the main issue. How can there be homoSEXuals or biSEXuals without sex? How can a gay man be vilified for not accepting a self identified male with a vagina. How can a lesbian
be vilified for refusing to accept a self identified female with a penis? The gender ideology crowd has managed to persuade a fair number of people (both gay and lesbian) that rejecting a person who doesn’t have the genitals you prefer as being ‘transphobic’, as they believe
that gender overrules sex. The fact of the matter is that genital preferences are a very large part of being homosexual, so the position that the gender ideology crowd has taken is profoundly homophobic. What I don’t think has been understood, yet, is that this ideology, if
allowed to destroy our movement, will then spread to the ‘straight’ world. Straight men will be vilified for not accepting a self identified woman with a penis. Straight women will be vilified for not accepting a self identified man with a vagina, or a self identified women
with a penis who claims they are a lesbian. This gender ideology is toxic to all society, and it needs to be stopped in its tracks. Fortunately a lot of straight women have cottoned onto the implications of this, and are fighting against it. But far too many people have
their heads buried in the sand and are allowing the gender ideology crowd to do what they want, in the name of equality. Unfortunately, the equality that they believe they are supporting is actually a hostile takeover of the gay community, women rights, and it will just
continue until it is stopped. Equality should not mean that gay rights and women’s rights are trampled on. Equality means that trans people should have equal rights, not more rights. It does not mean that they should be able to demand that people change their genital
preferences to pacify them. It does not mean that they should be able to put 99% of the population into a subgroup by describing us as ‘cis’, when we don’t want that. It does not mean they should be able to force us to correctly gender them or use their preferred pronouns.
It does not mean they are entitled to shout ‘transphobia’ when someone states that a transwoman is not a woman, and a transman is not a man. It does not mean that society has to accept a man with a beard as a woman. Equality means you are entitled to, and should have, the
same rights in life. It does not mean that transwomen can demand to be in women’s sports teams. It does not mean that transwomen can demand to access women’s safe spaces, which are there to keep them away from biological men. Equality gives you the opportunity to make your
own sports teams. Your own safe spaces. Your own way of living your lives. But please, stop trying to bend our existence and destroy our institutions, conventions, sexuality and identity to fit your agenda.

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