Hi Robert – Always happy to chat about our results. For the future trying to start a ‘civil discussion’ by commenting on our ‘flawed results’ might not be the best way to start a conversation. Please find my thoughts below. Start of thread https://twitter.com/RobertWager1/status/1291397310375768064
(1) Firstly, my research is on sulfoxaflor, not neonicotinoids, although obviously I know a lot about them. There are several field studies that have demonstrated that neonicotinoid exposure can significantly harm wild bees, such as bumblebees, and I can happily send them to you.
(2) My research makes the point that banning certain agrochemicals, such as neonics, does not help bees, and other animals, if replacement insecticides have similar effects.
(3) I have at no point suggested that sulfoxaflor, or other insecticides, should be banned. Mainly because I think making this argument neglects the larger and more important point.
(4) In my opinion, the way we farm is unsustainable and I believe we need to move towards a less intensive method that only uses agrochemicals as a last resort.
(5) Oil-seed rape is clearly not suited to Britain, as several other people have suggested. Therefore, planting other crops that are more suited, and require less agrochemicals, will surely be good for farmers (who will have to spend less money on pesticides) and wildlife.
(6) I saw a great video from a farmer ( @farmingGeorge)on just this the other day. Copied here. https://twitter.com/farmingGeorge/status/1288929775986388992
(7) Surely scientists and farmers should all be on the same team. Let’s not get drawn into taking sides that don’t exist, in this ever more divisive world. I eat food produced by farmers, and farmers need bees for pollination.
(8) I hope that this answers some of your questions, and please, next time you reach out to someone on twitter maybe be a little more thoughtful in your approach.
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