Here are my own disorganized thoughts on the Retro Hugos.
Now I enjoy them but also I recognize there are big problems with them.
On the positive I enjoy researching them, preparing reading lists and come across interesting works I wouldn't have encountered before.
There are a number of other people that do this and are really passionate and hard working. Outside of the main categories some are tiny. Fan writer had only 17 ballots.
The problems come in a few ways:
Firstly, when it comes to voting people tend to go with what they know and obscurer works don't get widely read. For example, in the 1941 novel category only half of voters expressed a preference for Kallocain or No Award in the final round.
Secondly, do you consider the work in its time or not?
Most of the nominees are going to be problematic. Campbell and Lovecraft got the most heat but a lot of the choices had real problems.
Then that leads on to judging these nominees in more complexity.
So Campbell always wins for 2 reasons:
1. He is the most well known
2. Astounding and unknown from that period get the most reprinted so he gets the most credit.
However, if you pick up an issue of Astounding it tends to have a lot of crap in it too.
Not did he actually publish many first stories in that time from famous authors. It is a pretty even spread across the mags.
You also have to blame him for racist stories like 6th column.
Plus there are plenty of people he kept out. Like Le Guin (I believe) was rejected by Campbell and didn't write again for many years.
I would argue an issue of Startling, Super Science or Planet are of a much higher quality.
Then with Cthulu's win it's even harder. Lovecraft was already long dead and even at this point only 2/3rds of Cthulu stories are his. So is it awarding, him or Derleth or everyone that wrote for the mythos before or after. It is all tricky
I don't have an easy solution if you want to keep the voting process unjuried and you are not going to be able to provide packets to everyone. For myself I enjoy just reading and nominating and just ignore the end results.
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