Takeaways from online teaching/PD so far. 1. Taking time to orient students to resources and features of the tech you are using is time well spent.
2. Planning takes a lot more time. I need to attend to presentation of information carefully. I like to use icons, color-coding, and repetition so students can find links to resources and know where we are. Make things easy to find and access.
3. I like to plan a couple of "journeys" for when something falls flat or I need to go deeper. Doing this on the fly is harder online, so if you can plan a couple of paths for the what ifs, it helps. You can also plan to skip some things, so the more you can mix the better.
4. It's okay to pause and check in. Give a little clear the mind chat if attention is falling.
5. Don't throw in everything into one session/class. Go deeper with less, going between a number of screens takes a lot of human and machine bandwidth.
6. Try everything out on multiple devices if possible, people will participate on phones, tablets, laptops, make sure it is not too difficult to access or participate on particular devices (or not it if so).
7. Think about whether things are best accomplished synchronously or asynchronously, let the mode match the aims.
8. Be kind and assume the best. I don't think most of us signed up for this, but this is what we have. A little kindness goes a long way. You should also be kind to yourself.
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