Here’s an example of why taking DHS at their word is problematic for reporters like @JuliaEAinsley. In the beating of Anastacio Hernandez-Rojas by @USBPChief and @CBP, @USBPChief claimed that Hernandez assaulted agents. What they declined to tell reporters was that he was 1)
2) handcuffed behind his back, on the ground in the fetal position. The agent who claimed Hernandez jumped through the air and kicked him in the head, back and shoulder did not have a mark on him. The FBI refused to file the charges that @USBPChief demanded. It was a lie.
3) Reporters just reported what the feds said without calling it into question. Words like “feds allege” or “claim” are rarely used when cops are doing the accusing. So the story goes out as Hernandez attacked agents for weeks. Then when the video comes out proving they lied,
4) these reporters fail to see how they are being used to spread false information. They just regurgitate what cops say without question. This is what #BLM is protesting about. There are tons of these cases on the border. @Pedroconsafos can verify.
5) Do you know why so many Americans believe cops are the victims when they beat or kill people? It’s because reporters take them for their word and report that shit out! People die at the hands of these cops & no one is ever held accountable bc cops claim they resisted or fought
6) Where’s the proof? If it happened, by all means, arrest them. If they say it happened, make them prove it. Reporters who repeat accusations by anyone, especially gov officials, w/out verifying risk spreading propaganda.
7) And now, most who watched @JuliaEAinsley say that “277 agents were injured” will believe that 277 agents were assaulted by protesters simply bc Wolf said so. Believe it or not, there was a tome when the cops had to prove their allegations.
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