Conspiracy theories about the Beirut blast— implications:
- downplaying the catastrophic consequences of actual potential nuclear attacks/weaponry is dangerous especially in a political climate rife with “nuclear talks/deals/negotiations”
- deflecting and distracting from gross negligence of the Lebanese gov. storing ammonium nitrate near a residential area for 6!! Years!!
- discrediting the work of diligent journalists who have traced this negligence back to 2013 incl. court documents calling for the proper handling of the stored ammonium nitrate + the efforts of those who realized the impending danger at the time, took action, & were ignored
- reaffirming Western ideologies of MENA being a consistent war zone, which further leads to and exacerbates desensitized responses to tragedies in the region
- while you’re sitting there drawing circles and arrows on non-existent missiles in the sky:
• ~45% of the population lives below the poverty line
• an estimated additional 300k are now homeless
• unemployment is at 33%
• corruption runs rampant in virtually every aspect of government— including waste management, electricity + water
• inflation rate continues to skyrocket and financial institutions continue to hold people’s money hostage. People are BARTERING for basic needs.
• COVID spread continues w/ very limited access to healthcare, now exacerbated by toxic fumes due to chemical exposure
• the rich and powerful give absolutely no shits
These are REAL. PEOPLE. Real people who are starving, who face hardship after hardship, real people who deserve more than your ill-informed and shoddily researched conspiracy theories about missiles and nukes and juxtaposed images of Hiroshima/Nagasaki.
If you’re sitting here saying 2.75 kilotons is comparable to 12-15 kilotons + long-term health effects from exposure to radiation, I truly have no words for you.
What happened in Beirut and continues to happen in Lebanon as a whole is devestating on its own. There is no need to construct false narratives and equivalences that detract from real issues that real people are currently facing.
If anything, this tragedy shows us how truly dangerous corruption & negligence can be. There is no need to imagine covert & undercover plans to bomb Beirut in order to understand how truly sinister & evil those in power are.
Lebanon has been chanting THAWRA for the better part of a year. It’s well past time we listen.
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