The recent brouhaha surrounding @SethRogen's comments on Israel has raised questions about how American Jews—particularly young, liberal American Jews—feel about the Jewish state.

Luckily, we have @AJCGlobal to offer up some cold, hard facts.

Let's dig in, shall we?

According to @AJCGlobal's 2018 survey of American Jewish opinion, fully 79% of Jewish Americans—roughly four out of every five—believe a thriving State of Israel is vital for the long-term future of the Jewish people ( ).

. @AJCGlobal's 2019 survey of American Jews on antisemitism in America sought to understand what Jewish Americans consider antisemitic.

A whopping 84% of American Jews of all ages said the statement "Israel has no right to exist" is antisemitic ( ).

Here's where it gets interesting: the 84% of U.S. Jews who said rejecting Israel's right to exist is antisemitic included 79% of those aged 18-29.

In other words, 4 of every 5 young American Jews believes anti-Zionism—the idea that Israel shouldn't exist—is antisemitic.

But wait—there's more: the belief that anti-Zionism, the rejection of Israel's right to exist, is antisemitic was shared by a massive 85% of Jewish Democrats and 83% of American Jews who identify as politically liberal.

So, to recap:

An overwhelming majority of American Jews believe that a thriving Israel is essential to the future of the Jewish people and that denying Israel's right to exist is antisemitic. The latter includes a huge majority of young, liberal, Democratic American Jews.

While this flies in the face of conventional wisdom and contradicts the baseless claims of a small minority of vocal radicals, those of us who actually follow these things know that support for Israel remains strong among American Jews—including, yes, Jewish young people.

This includes, by the way, @SethRogen himself, who has since clarified his remarks, saying that he doesn't want people "run[ning] around thinking that I think Israel shouldn’t exist anymore" ( ). 

When in doubt, look at the data. The facts don't lie.

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