This was an embarrassment of an announcement. None of these folks have a clue about teaching, curriculum, or the modern classroom.

Everything they said and believe about education is biased and only serves their ideological view of teaching and curriculum.

Angus McBeath's comments about students and curriculum are so off base from any current research and understanding of the challenges our world and classrooms face.

I've seen Angus speak numerous times and I don't feel comfortable with his "western values" slant on curriculum.
The disdain in which @AdrianaLaGrange and McBeath spoke of teachers and how we take up curriculum in our classrooms was on point for the two of them.

This messaging is meant to drive a narrative of public distrust of teachers to serve their larger ideological goals for #AbEd
Let's not forget that the UCP has publicly attacked teachers in the past year of how they take up issues of climate change and how oil and gas industries are discussed.

They believe that their perspective is the truth and all others are biased. This is dangerous.
Teaching, curriculum, and everything about education is political. I feel I've had to explain this so many times but every choice we make from how we take up the curriculum to the arrangement of desks in our classrooms is political.

It's not partisan, it's political.
And as a teacher in Alberta, I want to be upfront about the fact that I teach climate justice, Indigenous rights and sovereignty, anti-racism/anti-oppression as well as uplifting as many of the stories & voices that have historically and currently left out of our curriculum.
I want to create an environment in my classroom where students can engage in dialogue, think about issues critically and historically, and are able to uncover bias in the materials and even in myself. There is nothing better than a student challenging me in my class.
Whatever curriculum is handed down in the years to come will not provide teachers with the tools to do this.

It will be about memorization and regurgitation of "truthful facts" to be displayed on standardized tests.

This is not good curriculum & will further undermine #ABEd
But let's remember, this announcement today was meant to serve as a distraction to the negligent school relaunch plan.

It's clear that there was really no update on the curriculum that needed to be announced. Just an attempt to distract and throw teachers into more disarray.
I encourage my colleagues who I worked with on the past curriculum working groups to really reflect on any future participation as our previous work will not be upheld by this government.

Any teacher participation will only be used to justify the future curriculum.
Lastly, the UCP is moving forward at full speed with their attempts to undermine, dismantle, and privatize public education. The curriculum process is just a piece of the puzzle to ensure that their ideological beliefs are seen as truth.
Our collective response and action in the months ahead will determine how successful they are.
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