Many of my fellow citizens are understandably worried about how fast QAnon is spreading through the electorate, and I would just remind everyone that in 3 weeks it will be the 12-year anniversary of McCain explaining to that old lady that Obama wasn't a secret Muslim terrorist
"The existence of Democrats is an existential threat to the USA" has been the drumbeat of the GOP media for as long as first-time voters have been alive.

The 2008 election was literally "McCain is going to be a warmonger" vs "Obama is going to systematically destroy America."
Radicalization is a relay race. The mainstreaming of QAnon is just taking the baton it was handed and running further right with it. This didn't happen in a vacuum.
One of the fundamental teachings of the QAnon cult is that nothing can get better until the left is utterly destroyed.

The conservative base of this country has already been slowly fed that belief in every election for at least 20 years.

Something had to give.
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