Little thread about who you're following! My name is Ian and I started my journey with leftists politics/ideologies/practical uses in college back in 2014. I went to school for acting and sociology. When I took my first sociology 101 class #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (1)
Everything clicked and started to make sense. What I thought about society, the way we interact with one another, the way power interacts with institutions, systems, ideologies, individuals, and groups, all began to make sense. Ever since #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (2)
I was young, I was fortunate to have anything and everything I could want; although I noticed discrepancies in the way power manifested itself, even on intersectional factors like gender, race, class, age, religion, geographic location, #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (3)
You name it, amongst a whole host of factors. When I took Sociology I specialized in Gender and Sexuality, Social Change and Social Movements, Political Sociology, and Social Psychology. From this, I was able to do an over 240 hour #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (4)
Internship where I started out doing voting rights and electoral politics in Baltimore City. I helped to work on the speeches of the organizers, our community guests, to help teach about Money and Power and how you need both to create #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (5)
Long term and short term qualitative and quantitative change within the communities. From there I did work that included job creation and sustainability for the youth and returning citizens, learned how to negotiate at the table and #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (6)
Leverage people power to get legislation passed that would positively impact communities who, prior to, have never had the chance to equal ownership of power to make the effectual change for their communities. #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (7)
I was offered a 3 month contract specifically doing youth organizing work and helping take on Underarmour's TIF deal with Baltimore City. After asking for the second highest TIF in the history of the US, over 600 million dollars #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (8)
There proposal of reinvestment back into the community, was to equate to around 10 million dollars... which would have been siphoned down to Port Covington. No investments for any uptown neighborhoods. With the limited time we had, we #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (9)
Changed it from 10 million to 135 million worth of community wide city benefits agreements. Profit sharing, affordable housing, educational funding, higher percentages of local highers and minority and female owned businesses. The fight #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (10)
Does not end, and will not end because the people and organizers of Baltimore must hold anyone in position of power accountable to follow through with the city wide benefits. I express this to my new followers so show you #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (11)
That I have not only talked the talked but helped play a part in walking it too. Let's connect, let's mobilize, let's form actions so that we can also enjoy in the equal ownership of power that those at the top have had the luxury in for #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (12)
Centuries. It is our time now, let us make sure, again, we are doing everything in our unique powers and privileges that we have, due to the intersectional factors, that we give space and platforms to smaller accounts, BIPOC, NonBIPOC #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (13)
LGBTQIA+, disabled, female identifying, and more so that so can stand and solidarity to the voices that are normally hardly heard but have always been present; helping us inform the way we navigate this world. #NoComradesUnder1k #nocomradeunder1k (14)
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