Ok, I held off on this rant from a week ago, but it's officially time.

*Disclaimer*: if you're a fan of organized religion, now is the time to leave. I fully expect to lose followers.

Organized religion is the grandest disservice to the world today.
If something needs to be done away with, it's religion. Can someone tell me anything else where, under the guise of "your parents know best", we indoctrinate our children by having them subjected to verses from books of faith and brainwash them with hard rules as to how life is
to be navigated? Are there any other businesses, that prey on the humanity of people to fuel it's growth and continue the trend of indoctrination to minimize critical thinking? Are there other institutions that promote a superiority in faith practicing individuals and fuel
judgement against those that don't practice or practice something different than they do? Or don't live the lifestyles that they do? Does anyone find it interesting that any passage that is shared, can be spun and presented in any number of ways to promote a desired
outcome? That sounds like manipulation to me.

Are there any other practices that cause us to HATE ourselves based on being born a certain way?

What do you think would happen if instead of us introducing children to religion at say 3 or so, we introduced it to them at 15?
Do you think we'd have less buy in?

I do. Unequivocally. I'm sure people could explain all kinds of reasons for following faith if I were to ask. I bet the two most common answers i'd get back would be.

1. My parents introduced me to it and I've been doing it ever since.
2. People start to reflect on the meaning of life, and want a constant or "peace" by which to provide their lives meaning.

This thread is fueled by the curriculum announcement by the UCP about moving away from constructivism in the upcoming curriculum. THAT is the LAST thing our
kids need. We need our kids to be able to do MORE constructive thinking, and MORE critical thinking. To remove that is an agenda to turn our children into mindless drones, lapping up whatever they are presented with. It's completing limiting the potential of their young minds.
Ironically, much the same way that religion does. THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. You're cutting your kids off at the knees but forcing them into such a way of thinking. We need leaders, we need innovators, we need PEOPLE WHO CAN THINK! We already have far too much dead weight.
We don't need people pushing an agenda on us based on some self righteous, far fetched (and that's liberally put) belief system. The other issue with organized religion, are the extreme spin offs, such as the basis of the UCP. I hate to break it to those that are gullible enough
to believe in the intentions behind the New World Order, but there is NO RECKONING COMING. Now sit down, and get a grip. The world operates, and functions on SCIENCE. That isn't an opinion, that's fact. Those trying to solve the grandest problems we have in this world don't
resort to a book of faith to solve the problem. They rely on science and their MINDS. Problems need solving, like a puzzle.

How many times have you heard about school shootings where people are sending thoughts and prayers? As much as it's a nice gesture, real world action
is needed to fix those problems. Those are human created problems, not problems a deity will save us from. It provides people peace of mind knowing they're sending thoughts and prayers. It's a selfish endeavor. And to be completely transparent, I send thoughts to people who
are struggling and to communicate that I wish them well and am thinking about them and their struggle. I don't claim to have a connection with a grander being that is going to provide them a miracle. It provides false hope.

Ok so I have a few stories about religious experiences
I have had or seen that has helped me generate my opinion.

1. I have people close to me that have gone to church forever, very active in the church to boot, not those that make service every couple weeks. They have QUIT going to their church because the church has become more
progressive with how they view people of the LGBTQS2 community. I find that response by my friends truly gut wrenching.

2. I had a friend I went to college with that became upright snooty when we would, go for beers or whatever because of his religious beliefs. Must be tough
being so much better than the rest of us.

3. There was a video I saw from the States with regards to a lady who continued to go to service and had no worries about contracting or spreading COVID because she was "covered in Jesus' blood". She was asked what if she ever contracted
it and her explanation was, "well it would be the fault of someone else then".........well what about "Jesus' blood"??

4. I have recently been told that evolution was disproved........really? and the earth is flat I suppose?

I could go on all day on this thread because there is
simply so much hypocrisy, but I won't. I am truly so flustered by the fact that we have people who are religiously rooted, albeit in an extreme fashion, that feel they have the RIGHT to try and not only put our kids/loved ones at risk but then to broadcast how they're going to
implement instruction to turn our children into drones. Being "religious" or someone who practices faith does NOT make you a good person. It means you have plenty of your own vile skeletons and you hide it behind the facade that religion = quality human being. It couldn't be
further from the truth.

One last point, do NOT stop fighting back against this governments attempt to distract us from having our kids/loved ones, and educators return to a safe learning environment. That IS the key. Nobody has any piece of mind that their loved ones are safe if
the people that are supposed to LEAD us don't care about our well being. The curriculum battle is for another day, but be assured, that battle will come.

Ok. I'm done. Thanks for being a great audience, please tip your server on the way out.


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