jordan peterson has the rona after he just recovered from a drug addiction? jfc the guy wrote a book called "12 rules for life" purporting to contain the secret to how to live well which became a bestseller, and right after his own life fucking exploded into a billion pieces
someone make a "virgin peterson versus chad chomsky" meme. which reminds me:
this one's also hilarious
my favorite part was when the two lobster boys interviewing chomsky asked him about his daily routine and how he managed to be so productive, expecting him to give some "12 rules for life" like bullshit response, and he was just like: "uh I get up in the morning then get to work"
there are no "rules to life" that are divined by some charlatan grifter, who sells it at a steep price alongside a bullshit diet as his own life crumbles into dust. as chomsky notes, jordan peterson's very popularity revealed a deep pathology in society:
chomsky and his first wife met when they were kids, married in their late teens, had 3 children, then she passed away from cancer at 78. chomsky didn't develop an addiction, didn't go to russia to get into an induced coma by some quack, didn't become a charlatan self-help grifter
per jordan peterson's own standard of what success and failure is in terms of one's life as well as the standards adhered to by his deranged cult fanbase, chomsky is an infinitely more successful person in every imaginable way. yet he disavows all the "12 rules for life" bullshit
I don't believe developing an addiction, or succumbing to depression, or having self-doubt, or not being able to be productive are some horrific thing that you're personally responsible for, and that proves you're a failure. that's a grotesque, depraved ideology sold by grifters
as dr gabor mate shows in the lecture below, a lot of these issues emanate from social conditions, from capitalism, which grifters like jordan peterson intentionally obscure, instead blaming the individual so he can sell his bullshit self-help book
if you're dealing with any of these issues I would encourage you to seek professional help and, most importantly, don't be deceived into thinking it's your fault, and that you can fix it by listening to 3 hour youtube lectures ranting about chaos dragons and how feminism is evil
I know it's cliche but that scene from good will hunting hits on an important truth: it's not your fault
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