Breaking: 5 people have died with #COVID19.

69 new cases confirmed.

Ronan Glynn: Over the past 14 days, 226 cases have arisen in Kildare, Laois and Offaly - that's almost half of all cases in Ireland in that period.

"The priority is to ensure these outbreaks do not lead to widespread community transmission in the region."
65% of cases under 45 years of age.

39 associated with clusters or close contacts.

2 community transmission.

22 in Offaly, 19 Kildare, 8 Laois, 6 Dublin, 14 spread across Clare, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Limerick, Louth, Meath and Wexford.
Ronan Glynn: Four of the deaths are late notice and took place in May and June.
Breaking: Reproductive number is now estimated at 1.8.

Philip Nolan: A reproductive number of almost 2 is a "Serious concern" - significant risk of community transmission developing in the coming days.
Currently: 11 confirmed cases in hospital and five in ICU.
Philip Nolan: The situation this week is we've seen a "very sharp increase."

The average number of cases per day has more than doubled in a week.

Average of 53 per day.
Nolan: The number of people admitted to hospital has stopped declining.

Number in ICU remains low, he says.
Ronan Glynn urging people in Kildare, Laois and Offaly to remain vigilant to stop the further spread of the disease in those areas.
Philip Nolan: Vast majority of cases have been close contacts - they're being picked up in outbreaks and through careful management of them.

Very few cases coming through healthcare settings, reducing number through travel.
Nolan: As of yet, we're seeing little community transmission but there are large outbreaks... one would be very fortunate if there continued to be no community transmission from those outbreaks.
Age of cases remains low - because these are genrally workplace outbreaks.

"Need to take care" to make sure older people aren't affected.
Nolan says R number of 1.8 is "significantly higher than it has been".

His main concerns: Cases per day doubling; reproductive number at almost 2; real risk of community transmission.

Need to be "extraordinarily cautious".
GPs in Laois, Kildare and Offaly have been written to in an effort to underline concerns.

"Everyone in those counties needs to pay particular attention to symptoms... if you have symptoms you must immediately self-isolate and contact your GP."
Ronan Glynn: It is strongly recommended if you're medically vulnerable or older than 70 in Kildare, Laois or Offaly - that you limit the number of people you meet to a small number, maintain distance of 2 metres and if at all possible avoid public transport.
Glynn asked about should there be a local lockdown in Kildare, Laois and Offaly:

"Everyone needs to double down their efforts. I'm not going to prejudge further information we get on these cases this evening and tomorrow. We've been monitoring these closely."
Glynn says he can't rule out localised restrictions in Kildare, Laois or Offaly but NPHET needs more information.
Nolan: My sense is that given the public have been careful - the R number in the general population might be lower but 'we don't want to test that'.
Glynn asked if influencers will be recruited to get the message through to younger people:

'I'm not sure everyone tunes in to us here every night... the pandemic has not gone away... we saw back in February how celebrities and media can step up and help us get the message out"
Glynn: There has been a perception that this is a Dublin disease and the rest of the country could relax...

This simply hasn't been the case. We've had cases right across the country in the past 10 days.
Glynn: Two further clusters in meat processing factories one in Kildare down and one in Timahoe, Kildare
Glynn: Where cases have been identified over the last ten days, there has been mass testing.

"My concern now is that there is a significant volume of infection in these counties, you should come forward testing as soon as you experience symptoms and self-isolate."
Glynn on whether "curfew" of 11pm could push people to have house parties:

"If people are going to have house parties, they're going to have house parties."

He's urging people to look at what's happening in Aberdeen.
*Median age of all cases today is 31.
Colm Henry: If this virus runs rampant in young people, it will get to older people.

He also says young people have ended up in ICU with this virus.

Nolan: A house party is the perfect way of spreading this into the community and hurting vulnerable people.
Glynn: Number of cases of people working in restaurants and hotels. We haven't had specific clusters but a wide variety of family clusters and among friends.

We can't say specifically that they've arisen in pubs - but they're locations where households mix.
Glynn: The HPSC is specifically looking at guidance on face coverings for teenagers (schools).

There'll be guidance in the coming days.
Glynn: We know of approximately 60 cases from Laois, Offaly and Kildare due to be notified tomorrow.
Glynn on calls to release evidence of the links between pubs and Covid:

"There's nothing magic about this evidence. If you Google "Covid... Pubs" you'll see this and what could easily happen. It's happened all over the world: Aberdeen, various states in America, Sydney..."
"We won't let this continue... We will take steps to ensure that if necessary."

Ronan Glynn answers my question on what happens if the upward trend in cases and R Number continues - at what point is the reopening of schools paused?
That's that for the evening.

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