I see some people get into a relationship hoping to fall in love with their partner along the way. While it happened for some, it won't happen for some. That's why
1. Don't force yourself on anyone, don't try to buy your way into someone's life with gifts and all, some people are
Weak willed and will just get temporarily soft, and say yes to you not because they love you but they feel like it's not fair for them to keep turning you down after everything you've done. They will do it out of pity and it won't last, and it will never be enough.
If they don't love you, save yourself future drama and stay back.
2. Please, if you eventually get into the relationship and you find out after a while that you're still not "falling", please talk. It's so unfair to have someone commit to you and you know deep down
That you don't love them, yet you allow them invest their emotions and resources on you. Don't be the reason someone loses trust in love or becomes discouraged.

Let's be good people please, don't be selfish and wicked.
Worked for some*
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