So my Twitter headline.... that our CDC, NIH and @realDonaldTrump killed over 100,000 Americans -- has now been validated. How? Over 2 billion humans participated in a drug trial in which their assignment to either "treatment" or "control" arm occurred at gunpoint.
Literally at gunpoint. You see, in one set of nations you had medical advice and choices from first symptoms of Covid-19. In the other set of nations you had no choice; you were typically told to stay home until you were short of breath.
In the first set of nations said choices meant your physician, or you, could choose prophylaxis before exposure (PrEP), Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) or early treatment. In the second set you had no such set of choices; your only choice was a hospital if you got sick enough.
In the first of nations the death rate from Covid19, at this point, was "X" per unit of people.

In the second set of nations it is averaging 5X.

The second set of nations include a large number of very advanced medical systems, which presumably are "better" than the first set.
This can not be explained by demographics. Especially not when the second list includes a VERY HIGH NUMBER of advanced medical system nations. In fact, with only one exception, they ALL are.
This is killing for profit folks, whether monetary, political or (likely) both. It has no other rational explanation.

I remind you that in the context of political murder we call that a crime against humanity. At Nuremberg we imposed the death penalty on such butchers.
By the way the United States is in the second group.

You can't falsify this data nor the argue with the weight of the statistical evidence. The data set is simply too large. This was, and remains, a controlled trial. It now has produced results.
With a death rate 1/5th of what we've experienced in the US, Covid is in fact *LESS LETHAL* than the ordinary seasonal flu. Thus, every constraint, every mandate, all of it -- is not only unlawful it is manufactured THROUGH MURDER FOR PROFIT, an outrageous crime against humanity.
What am I referring to? These facts right here.

Is it time to drag every official involved out of office by their hair and put them on trial, forcing an immediate reversal of said policies? You tell me. 
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