I was asked to speak to a group of interns (age: college or just graduated college) at a local org. I always feel a bit awkward sharing my career path as it's quite odd and non-linear. Nonetheless, I shared what I think are 4 (by no means all) key drivers of a good career:

1. Curiosity. Spend most of your time being interested, versus being interesting. Figure sh*t out, talk to people, learn a ton about whatever strikes your interest.

But downside: Lack of focus. At a certain point, you need to hunker down.

2. Hustle. Simply: Work your butt off for what matters to you. By far the most important element of whatever success I've had.

But downside: With too much hustle, you won't listen as well, won't be patient & methodical. Easy to get over your skis.

3. Adaptability. Have a positive attitude and skill to pivot w/in your situation as well moving from one to the next. This grows more important as your career goes on.

But downside: Too much openness to change defeats the ability to be present. Don't stare at the door.

4. Kindness. At minimum, don't be dick. But go beyond and find empathy; proactively help. Everyone is struggling with something. Be the person who gets no credit for making others' lives better.

Yes, a downside: People will try to treat you like a sucker. Don't let them.

In sum, there a few things we can do to find success, however defined. But even attributes or actions or mindsets seem incontrovertibly good can be misused or taken advantage of. So be aware, be present.

And have a ton of fun along the way. 😃

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