Been hearing a lot of "fan dubbing and abridging won't help you in the industry talk" and honestly like everything it's a mixed bag. I don't put any of that type of stuff on my resume, but I'd be stupid if I didn't recognize that quite a few doors opened for me because I put-
Myself out there. True quite a few doors have also been closed due to that as well for the moment but every choice comes with some risk. I love what I do and I am very fortunate to be able to do what I love. Some directors and studios will never want to work with me and I have to
Be okay with that. Honestly though? The same is true for anyone considered an "outsider" by the industry. It is an incredibly competitive field as is, and if someone is seen as an "outsider" or try to circumvent the system they had to break through to get where they are.
Then there is a prebaked negative stigma already in place. Fact is we all have our own paths to walk and each have their own opportunities, advantages and disadvantages. At the end of your day? Just weigh your choices while pushing toward doing what you love. - End Rant -
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