“Progressives” who insist on single payer need to explain exactly wtf they think is gonna happen when republicans are in charge of the federal government again (as they are over 60% of the time) and what they’re going to do if they have a 100% monopoly on healthcare.
I can tell you right now women’s healthcare will be the first thing to go. That’s why I want opt-in Medicare and not single payer. There is always a fail safe private healthcare option for when the inevitable happens and republicans cut the public healthcare.
I have never seen a single good answer or solution to this. You would have to have enough votes to enshrine single payer as a constitutional right and even then, they’d find ways to chip away at it or cut funding for it (see, e.g., Roe v. Wade).
You’re delusional if you think republicans 1) will never be in charge again and 2) won’t immediately cut healthcare as soon as they are in charge again.
Fundamentally, I do not trust the federal government to have absolute control over my healthcare because I’m old enough to know republicans are in charge of the federal government more often than not.
I want a universal healthcare system that provides the most stability for the greatest number, where everyone has coverage in one form or another, and people have the option to get private insurance should the public system fail or be reduced/sabotaged by republicans
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