All can be true:

1. The NRA has millions of earnest members and has been a model of effective interest advocacy.

2. Current leadership is corrupt, and the NRA will be better off with them gone.

3. The NY AG has a strong case.

4. The NY AG is acting, in part, politically.
The NRA has certainly drifted from promoting responsible gun ownership to being more an arm of the manufacturers, and IMO that's bad. But all interests can learn from their success: building an army of single-issue votes willing to spend time and money on an issue is power.
People think it's the NRA money, but it's really not. It's the single-issue voters that gives them leverage, and why pols are scared even when general public opinion is 85/15 or whatever in favor of things like waiting periods. The 85 don't vote on the issue. The 15 always do.
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