My mom: I got the monthly bill from the mobile provider. But I can't open it.

Me: Why not?

Mom: It's in a ZIP file protected with a password.

Me *confidently*: Oh, this is a common trick. Scammers send malware like this to bypass e-mail gateway scanners.

Mom: Take a look.
So, I do. E-mail headers look perfectly OK. It really does seem to come from the mobile provider. Is this some trick I don't know?

The message addresses me correctly by name. OK, maybe they got it from somewhere.

Message says ZIP's encrypted with a password to protect data.
Password is my date of birth, YYMMDD. OK, that's not hard to find, either. But if this is an attack, it's a hell of a targeted one...

But you can see what's in the ZIP archive without entering a password; archive directory is not encrypted. It's a PDF file.

So, taking all precautions, I open the PDF file in the virtual machine with no Internet connection.


It's not an attack. The idiots have sent the bill exactly as the scammers do!

*That* is why we can't end phishing...
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