You weren't radicalized by one experience. Our politics are an amalgamation of a lifetime of political existence. My father's murder radicalized me. 18 years of war propagated on Islamaphobic and imperialist lies radicalized me. Katrina radicalized me. Gena 6 radicalized me.
Mobile Alabama radicalized me. Iowa City radicalized me. DC radicalized me. Playing D1 basketball and witnessing demobilizing power of Black celebrity at the height of the 2014 uprisings radicalized me. Black Feminisms radicalized me. Middle-class contradictions radicalized me.
Being handcuffed at 12-years old radicalized me. Begining to address the harm I've caused in the name of patriarchy radicalizes me. Navigating the NPIC radicalized me. Working in Homeless services radicalized me. Working with youth continues to radicalize me. Love radicalized me.
If one more white person responds to this post with their thoughts, I’m deleting. Y’all deadass are the reasons I don’t tweet anymore. These tweets are for BLACK PEOPLE. All y’all do is squander and dilute😭
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