BREAKING: New York AG @TishJames files suit against the NRA
This is more than your regular NRA case: according to @TishJames, her lawsuit aims to *dissolve* the NRA as an entity for "years of self-dealing and illegal conduct."
For those who haven't been following the NRA's recent troubles, hundreds of staffers have left or been laid off as the org faces a major crisis.

Years of financial trickery, executives funneling money to their allies, and blatant corruption got them here.
In a press conference, @TishJames outlines how NRA head honcho Wayne LaPierre used the @NRA as a personal piggy bank, doling out cash to friends and politcial allies for work that never happened, taking efforts to hide the nature of these payments. 
AG James claims LaPierre retaliated against senior NRA figures who attempted to challenge or reveal his behavior. James cites a laundry list of @NRA executives who "illegally facilitated the diversion of tens of millions of dollars" to personal friends.
James says "false reporting on annual filings, improper expense documentation, improper wage reporting, improper income tax withholding, failure to pay excise taxes, and payments to disqualified persons" shows a long-term pattern of intentional fraud by LaPierre's @NRA.
James says LaPierre's NRA served as a haven for "brazen illegality" while masquerading as an issue organization.

From the scope of the case and the details James mentioned, it sounds like some of those 200 former @NRA employees provided a lot of key information.
QUESTION: Is the @NRA investigation a politically-motivated case?

JAMES: This case was in the works for years - @NRA was serving as a "piggy bank for four defendants" well before 2020. Fraud was so broad it took AG's office years to fully compile the case.
QUESTION: What's the prior precedent for dissolving the NRA?

AG's OFFICE: Two precedents: Federation of Multicultural Programs in Brooklyn and *The Trump Organization*, whose charity was forced to dissolve after defrauding childrens' orgs.
QUESTION: What effect would this decision have on the broader issue of gun violence?

JAMES: This has nothing to do with my personal opinions on gun violence. Has to do with 4 defendents and the @NRA violating nonprofit laws in NY State.
QUESTION: Is this a moment you've been waiting for?

JAMES: Not a question of that -- this is a question of "applying the law and coming to a conclusion" that "the @NRA and all of its directors and officers violated the law...over a period of years...enough was enough."
QUESTION: NRA is a powerful org. Do you have concerns?

JAMES: "None whatsoever."
QUESTION: Do you anticipate seeking a criminal referral in the matter?

JAMES: This is an ongoing investigation. "If we uncover any criminal activity, we'll forward it to the Manhattan DA. At the time this is a civil enforcement."
QUESTION: Will you refer [LaPierre's evasion of personal income taxes] issue to federal authorities?

JAMES: "I won't come to a conclusion" on whether he violated the federal tax code. Says her office is "in the process" of passing info to the IRS on that.
QUESTION: Any updates on Trump cases, Deutsche bank, etc?

JAMES: "Thanks for that question, which is not the subject of today's press conference. I won't comment on that."

QUESTION: Are you open to settlement talks with the NRA short of dissolving them?

JAMES: "It is not my habit to negotiate any resolution in public. There are 18 causes of action, including but not limited to dissolution of the NRA in its entirety."
QUESTION: Is it possible this could lead to a tit-for-tat push by conservative AGs to dissolve liberal organizations? Can't the NRA just move somewhere else?

JAMES: Since NRA was formed under NY nonprofit laws, NY has oversight over their conduct.
QUESTION: Allegations here suggest @NRA donors and members were victimized by these actions. Is it not further victimizing them by forcing NRA to close?

JAMES: "Donors contributed...because they believe in the mission...these four defendants have looted its assets."
QUESTION: Was any of the money looted by the NRA execs used to support political campaigns?

JAMES: That's "not the focus" of today's press conference, but she "will be looking" at everything.
QUESTION: What are the next steps in coming weeks/months?

JAMES: Confident "a response will be filed" by the NRA. Will offer regular updates as case works its way through the courts.
QUESTION: Will you attempt to freeze the assets of the four defendants in this case, or of the @NRA more broadly?

JAMES: "That's one of the remedies we're seeking" in the case just filed. "We want to consider whether there are hidden assets, and whether they can be frozen."
CNN gets a two-part question in!

1. Is NY working with the IRS?
2. Why dissolve the whole org?

JAMES: "We'll be forwarding the complaint to the IRS" and reporting any tax violations. Says the breakup is due to the "number of complaints" against the NRA.
And that's it for the presser, folks!

If you thought this unreal 2020 campaign cycle couldn't get any more polarized, just wait until @RealDonaldTrump and the @GOP turn this election into a referendum on saving the NRA.
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