The QAnon Ban Evasion Thread for @Jack @twittersupport and @TwitterSafety to look at whenever they feel like putting their back into actually stopping QAnon promoters from making accounts on this site.
1. Feel free to DM me or reply to this thread with screen grabs of people either promoting their new ban evasion accounts or of QAnon supporters telling people to follow people on their new ban evasion accounts. I will update this thread nightly.
2. Here is "Eyes on Q" fresh off his ban promoting his ban evasion account and having Major Patriot and CJTRUTH joining in on helping get his audience back.
3. Martin Geddes retweeting Pepe Deluxe's new account.
4. CJTRUTH on the Pepe Deluxe Train.
5. Joe M on his 3rd account demanding people make accounts to commit ban evasion to promote QAnon.
6. Praying Medic telling people how to ban evade more effectively.
7. Tony asks everyone to follow him after getting banned.
8. Sun Q is back with a new ban evasion account and is being promoted by CJTRUTH and Major Dad.
9. Prison Mike is back for another go around. (That’s Tommy G for those that don’t get the joke.
10. Dilley (Who is on a ban evasion account) celebrates how awesome it is that his followers get banned and instantly rejoin twitter.
11. Stuntman from Out of Shadows shills for Sun Q's new ban evasion account.
12. ET retweet's Sun Q's statement that ET's legendary ban evasion skills that have inspired him to commit ban evasion.
13. 40 Head gets banned and comes back on twitter and gets a quick signal boost from ET.
14. Eyes On Q complains about being kicked off Twitter yet again and Major Dad gives them a signal boost. It's the Ban Evasion Life.
15. ET is now on his 19th account after being banned yet again. You'll notice his account was made "November 2011" so he's clearly back on the grey market of paying for or being gifted old Twitter accounts to help with ban evasion.
16. Ban evasion account with "Returns" in it to show you how subtle these people are about their ban evasion.
17. Sun Q back in business yet again.
18. Joe M makes a very unsubtle ban evasion account to whine about being banned from Twitter.
19. Having been banned from Twitter Lisa Mei posts on Parler that she won't be making a new account because then she'd be allowing Twitter to honestly ban her for ban evasion. QAnon is hilarious.
20. I didn't even notice Dilley had been banned, but he's back already.
21. Truthhammer wants to make it really clear he's ban evading and will never stop ban evading.
22. Joe's back and wants everyone to keep ban evading along with him.
23. Martin Geddes is here to tell all you cool kids how to commit ban evasion.
24. ET's back yet again. You know it's habbening.
25. Punisher is back and mad that he got his account nuked when all he was doing was exposing evil.
26. How to report ban evasion.
27. Wyatt makes himself at home with a new ban evasion account.
28. Wyatt got banned and then Wyatt returned. @itsavibe1789
29. ResurrectionOfD is the ban evasion account of Danielle_MAGA. Martin Geddes helps out his fellow digital soldier and signal boosters her quest for more followers.
30. Shadygooove is back and ban evading in the so-very-subtle way that has his podcasting/streaming/whatever partner Matrixxx give him the signal boost.
31. Ban evader asks for help growing account and asks people to follow other ban evaders, many of whom have already been re-banned.
32. Majestic 12, an Illuminati account that became a remora to the QAnon shark got banned and has now returned.
33. Rick Grimes got banned and is on a new ban evasion account. Shocking that a Walking Dead character would rise from the grave.
34. Truth Hammer seeks to avoid the ban hammer yet again.
35. Tony’s back and somehow Trump retweeted his first tweet. Scavino is on point
36. SunQ back for another round of tweeting till caught.
37. Shadygroooooooooove back and not caring who knows about it.
38. Joe M promoting is dud of a video on his new ban evasion account.
Rick Grimes is back with a totally subtle new acccount and gets the signal boost from Beer.
40. Wyatt's back on a greymarket account from 09 that has over 10K followers and has Martin Geddes following him.
41. Tommy G back in business.
42. Eyes on Q, who committed ban evasion, appealed the banning of their original account and got it back. The rock solid Twitter crackdown on QAnon continues apace.
43. As one of the Five Evil Smartphones it’s my duty to post ET’s latest ban evasion account.
44. The Dragon Lady who told Jack to leave QAnon alone or she was gonna reveal the child trafficking hashtags got banned. SSG Pain's pinned tweet is helping her re-build her audience.
45. PunishDems is back on twitter.
46. We've now gone full meta and now people are pretending their friends have been totally banned from twitter and they miss them. Joe and IET are on twitter as @GitmoAwaits and @Existential2020
47. Wyatt's back from his latest ban and gets a signal boost from Qtah.
48. Fans of ET ask Vincent Kennedy to tell him that they will gladly give their twitter accounts to ET to help him keep ban evading.
49. Major Dad gives a boost to ET’s new ban evasion account.
50. Rick Grimes has decided he might have been too subtle with the Negan account so his pinned tweet is "hey guys, it's me Rick, the guy committing ban evasion." Twitter's airtight security system working as intended.
51. Wyatt’s back and preaching Antisemitism.
52. WarNuse is back and Major Dad is here to signal boost them.
53. Sather's back and I was already blocked when I found this account.
54. Punish Dems is back and taking shots at folks like CJTRUTH.
55. Mr. Hammer has been around since August on his new ban evasion account that now has 10K+ followers. Twitter's crackdown is just devastating the QAnon community.
56. Wyatt is back and wants us to know that he really hates Jews.
57. Beer gives a signal boost to Redpill78 who had his account suspended for no good reason.
58. SSG Signal Boosts a poor guy who only has 12K followers on his latest ban evasion account.
59. Wyatt's back and doing the weird thing he did a long time ago where he re-tweets everything he tweets so his timeline is everything in duplicate. Also he's pants on head crazy.
60. Lisa Mei Crowley said she wouldn't make a ban evasion account and give Twitter a good reason to suspend her. Here's her ban evasion account.
61. Wyatt's back and complaining about The Great Replacement because he's really racist.
62. Eyes on Q returns to the digital battlefield.
62. The “hilarious” Midnight Strider account that was a pretend liberal talking about how evil the Libs are turned out to be Joe M’s latest ban evasion account. His grand reveal is the stuff of legend.
64. “All50News” which was ET’s latest ban evasion account has ripped the mask off and ET is now posting as himself again.
65. Wyatt's back and upset about the death of the white race.
66. I would be remiss to not include Joe M's hilarious sock puppet account.
67. CJTRUTH gives a signal boost to Joe M’s new ban evasion account.
68. The dude who ditched a girl mid-sex because she asked him if he voted for Trump is our old friend RodSneaky. This level of hubris/delusion tracks pretty well for hun. Can’t believe I didn’t see it till the avatar change.
69. Wyatt's back and it's the weird form of Wyatt that instantly retweets everything he posts so his page is all doubles of his tweets. This is different than "Old Lady Wyatt" "Trump Mega Fan Wyatt" and "Vicious Anti-Semite Wyatt"
70. SSG PAIN of “Posting child porn on Twitter to show his hatred of pedophiles” fame is back with his new ban evasion account.
71. Bards is back. That was quick
72. Twiiter’s ban evasion prevention measures are so intimidating that Qtah is back on a ban evasion account with a tweet making sure people know it’s him and that he is ban evading.
73. Martin Geddes retweets a guy demanding anyone who gets suspended by Twitter make a new account and ban evade to stay in the fight.
74. AchaiaAm, who uses gematria to decode Trump's tweets is mad about being banned and is here to get their followers back via a ban evasion account.
75. QTah is back with another aggressively unsubtle ban evasion account.
76. The Qtah saga continues as he tries to make a less Qtah branded account but can't help himself when it comes to his grudge with @GraceSpelman. Try to be more subtle next time pal.
77. Pretty sure this is PunishDems1776, the guy who had his followers email me and did the whole "Debate me you coward" bit last time he got banned. He, unlike Qtah is being quiet about what his original account was, but he is making it clear he's returning from a ban.
77a. After further review the call on the field is confirmed. It’s PunishDem.
78. The Saga of Qtah and his never ending quest to make a new ban evasion account that will stick continues.
79. Updated "How to report ban evasion" guide. Since I can not link old handles into the top field anymore.
80. PunishDem is going the Qtah "Switch handles/names" route to try to cover his tracks. He's now a car insurance ad that's bringing the pain.
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