What is the MOST efficient way to hire talent for your company?

Here's a quick THREAD on the hidden costs of hiring and how using an agency can actually save you money.


2/ Let's start with the numbers:

The average cost to hire an experienced developer ($120k base salary) is a whopping $22,750.

Here's how it breaks down when looking at a typical in-house recruiting process (resume review, phone screen, in-person interview):
By outsourcing just the time deficient tasks involved in a hiring process (sourcing, resume screening, scheduling) to an agency, you can save yourself 10, 15, even 20 hours per hire.

That's valuable time you get back to focusing on running your teams and business.
4/ So what are some other reasons why choosing an agency might be more effective?

1. Improve your quality of hire:

You want experts and we do this for a living. We're specialized by industry too, and often have a pipeline of qualified candidates already on the job hunt.

2. Maintain your professional appearance:

Smaller companies don't often have an internal recruiting function which means they may lack expertise around hiring and professionalism.

We have you covered.

Don't put your brand rep at risk with a lackluster hiring process.

3. Retain new hires:

Agencies typically offer a guarantee period. It means they guarantee your hire will stay at your company for a certain period of time (often 3-6 months).

If the new hire is terminated, the agency will give a full refund or find a new placement for free.

DISCLAIMER: Now is when I tell you I work at @ProofOfTalent, a recruiting firm crypto/blockchain space 😎

If you're feeling the burden of hiring and are looking for industry experts to help, send me a DM or check out our website below: https://proofoftalent.co/ 
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