I can't help but notice that in defending the Bar Exam, @NCBEX and some state BLEs have created a public relations disaster. (Thread)

#Lawtwitter #Barpocalypse #bloodybarpocalypse
How did we get here? Easy.
1. Ignore student health concerns.
2. Imply movement for diploma privilege is just a small group of lazy whiny students.
3. Commingle legitimate anger about being ignored with improper attacks to chill speech about the Bar Exam
4. Tell students they should focus on studying. As if that's possible when your Bar could be canceled at the last minute.
5. Establish draconian search rules for an in person exam.
6. Establish draconian movement rules for an online exam.
7. Demonstrate contempt by falling asleep, rolling eyes, and--you know--doing all the professional things.
8. Create needless torture because your online exam software doesn't seem very secure and gets DDOS attacked.
9. Maybe have your leader say something like I wish I had taken the bar for the street cred while students are looking for jobs in the worst economy.
10. Demonstrate the worst pandemic planning ever. And that's saying something given that's a race to the bottom.
People could die. All for a test that has about as much to do with competence as passing the MPRE does with being able to say "I'm ETHICAL NOW!"

But, for some reason that's not nearly as bad as @NCBEX taking a few insults though, right?

I'm waiting to see those, by the way.
If you're feeling attacked, @NCBEX, maybe you ought to rethink your strategy. Because your feelings of being attacked are precisely because you and many State BLEs showed callous indifference to applicant concerns about their health.

So, who attacked who?
Oh, and it is classic Twitter strategy to say "I'm being attacked" after you come out swinging.
It's not lost on bar applicants that lots of money is being made on their backs. And their health.

Maybe that's what professionalism is all about?

That's a terrible lesson for Bar Applicants. One they'll never forget. So long as they live.
Oh, and I'll just leave this here. https://twitter.com/lawprofblawg/status/1291219359873073154?s=20
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