THREAD — why Kanye and Trump are converging in Ohio and how you can help

In consecutive days, the same Ohio firm that represents Trump submitted signatures for Kanye West; and then Trump himself is back in Ohio.

Coincidence? I think not.

Read on to learn more, and help:

First, it’s the economy. Trump’s failed policies and broken promises have hurt Ohio.

2019 was the worst jobs year in Ohio since 2009. We lost construction jobs. Manufacturing jobs. Farm bankruptcies spiked.

All before COVID hit.

But we had daily job losses to women & men all over the state. Big cities. Small towns

Even the jobs that replaced lost jobs have been lower paying, non-union jobs

So Trump-economics hurt countless Ohioans in their pocket book before COVID even hit, making it all worse

And if that wasn’t clear enough, one other thing made it clear

In Nov 2019, in numerous towns across Ohio that Trump won easily in 2016, Dem candidates for mayor ran against GOP incumbents

Towns like Ironton, Norwalk, Coshocton and Archbold, where Trump won 60-40 or better

Why did they win? Because those towns are struggling. Trump has done absolutely nothing to help them...nor has the GOP agenda. And the Dem candidates represented change for the better.

Beyond the economy comes Trump’s disastrous incompetence & the GOP’s extremism on so many issues

That has turned the largest voting bloc in OH—suburbs surrounding our big cities—from being the base of the GOP a few years back to now being blue.

Women are leading this charge. And it shows up every election. From 6 statehouse flips from red to blue in 2018 (seats that had been gerrymandered for the GOP) to local elections in 2019, Dem candidates are crushing Republicans in formerly GOP suburbs.

And then, most important, come the voters who have been loyal Democrats all the way through.

Our diverse coalition of Democrats who dominate our urban areas are more fired up than ever.

We are winning offices in our cities more decisively than ever, and...

So why are Kanye and Trump showing up here in the same week?

Why is Trump booking $18M in ads here, second highest of any state?

Because they understand all these trends, and they know if they lose Ohio, it’s over.

The Trump presidency ends when we turn Blue.

Here’s the problem.

The Kanye maneuver is the red flag that over the next 89 days, they will do everything they can to not let Ohio cost Trump the election.

Attacks on vote by mail. Opposing simple measures like vote drop boxes. Attacks on the postal system.

We are doing all we can to fight back.

Recruiting an army of poll workers, poll observers and volunteers.

Going to court to make voting safer and easier.

Pushing our most robust early vote plan ever.

You name it.

Any way you can help us, please do.

But to keep waging this fight, to stay ahead when we have less on TV here than most other swing states, we need your help.

Every dollar helps us protect the right to vote. Every dollar helps us push people to vote early—and every early vote is a vote they can’t suppress.

89 days to go.

We’re up in Ohio, as we hoped to be.

Trump is back again, scared shitless and on the ropes. Up to no good again and again.

But we can win here. With your help.

Any amount you can give now helps in an enormous way.

Thank you.
And if you don’t believe me, take it from Ed O’Neill. Let’s get rid of Trump.

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