The cost of simply LOOKING at a notification can cost you >30 minutes!!

The distraction goes far beyond the time it takes to check the notification.

It's holding you back.

Here are simple "focus hacks" you need.

Top 5 Tips to Master Focus & Control Your Life
1 – Eliminate Morning Scrolls

Avoid your phone as long as you can in the morning.

This time is reserved for you & your goals.

Once you check your phone you expose yourself to a host of distractions and lose sight of where your focus should be.

Why is this the case?
Mornings are prime for "flow" due to theta brain waves.

Theta is for focus, learning, & productivity.

Take advantage of it.

This state is PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE.

Once you check your phone reactive-mode is activated.

Let's talk about training your brain...
2 – Train Your Brain!

Plug into music to help get you in an enhanced state of focus.

Here are your 3 options:

2.Binaural Beets
3.Classical Music

These are all proven to stimulate the brain & improve focus.

Training your brain is like training your dog...
Just like Pavlov's Dog salivating at the sound of the bell,

Once that music turns on tapping into a hyper-focused flow state becomes easy & natural.

The more you do it, the more your brain understands what it's for, and the easier it is.

Bonus Tip:
Use headphones!

Especially if you work around other people.

Having headphones on will limit people from distracting you.

Building off of this point...
3 - Eliminate Distractions

What are your top 3 distractions?

Common ones are:

1 - Phone
2 - People
3 - Computer

How can you best do this?

You can't eliminate people (lol)

What you can do is separate yourself from them when you need to.

Have a go-to "hide-out" where you know no one will distract you and you can do your best work.

Again, turn off notifications.

Even if you aren't opening your notification, seeing them pop up can knock you out of proactive mode and into reactive mode.

Avoid that at all cost.

Limit yourself to no more than 3 tabs at all times.

But here's the real superpower...
4 - Keep a Notebook

When a new idea pops up in your head you hop on your device.

This ruins productivity bc now you have exposed yourself to MANY distractions.

No matter how productive you were beforehand it may take 45 minutes to get that HIGH-LEVEL focus back.

Use a notebook to jot it down.

This is good for 2 reasons.

1. Not exposing yourself to notifications and high-levels of distraction

2. It clears your mind and you can move on knowing that your idea will not be forgotten.

Remember it & Release it.
5 - The Best Strategy For Hyper Focus

You cannot remain hyper-focused for extended periods of time.

Peak focus happens within the first 25 minutes & slowly declines.

[Insert Modafinil]

Pomodoro Technique is a system that creates multiple PEAK focus states.

Here's the drill..
Pomodoro Technique:

25-Minutes of Hyper Focus on 1 Task
5-Minute Break - Release. Do whatever you want for 5-minutes.


Combine this with binaural beets and no distractions & you are GOLDEN!

Getting shit done isn't that hard, ya'll.

All you really have to do is...
Create your mental & physical setting.

Addition by subtraction is a beautiful thing.

My challenge to you is to at least choose one and apply it today.

Let's see what you got!

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